As I may have mentioned once, or possibly twice, around September last year I started regularly going to the gym. In the interest of full disclosure, I will be honest and say that towards the end of the year I didn't really go at all due to a horrendous cold- which is still lingering about.
Overall however, I really impressed myself by pushing myself to do something I never though I would and I was pleasantly surprised with how good I felt about myself too. I thought that, instead of setting some ridiculous resolutions - that I probably won't keep - I would identify some goals for the year - broken down into categories of course. The first of these are my workout goals.
1. Try and Go To The Gym At Least Three Times A Week.
At the moment I go twice, which is good but I would like to increase that a little more.
2. Set Myself an Actual Routine
I don't have a set routine that I follow but I think it would be a good idea if I did.
3. Get Into Free Weights/Weight Machines More
Using the weight machines and lifting weights in general is something I am fascinated by. I do use the weight machines for certain things but I would love to use more this year.
4. Get Back Into Swimming
I used to swim once a week and this year it seems tat I have stopped that routine. I would love to get back into it as swimming is something I really enjoy.
5. Workout Alone
I have been going with my best friend to the gum and if she can't go I would tend to miss the day myself. I do however, want that to change this year. I want to have the courage to show up and do the workout alone. I am nearly 25 after all!
6. Do Some Yoga At Home
I have always wanted to get into yoga but working 9-5 and having to travel to my job, classes don't really fit for me. I therefore, would like to take up yoga at home so I can stretch out my muscles and feel more relaxed.
6 goals that I want to achieve in 2017. I think that all of these are achievable goals, I just have to work at them.
What are your 2017 workout goals?