As I said in my first goal post of the year - which you can read here - I have decided to split them up into various posts. This is the next one I wanted to write and it's all about my 2017 Blogging Goals.
Last year I posted 141 posts throughout the 12 months. This is pretty good going and is 17 posts more than I managed in 2015. There were some months however, where I didn't manage to post anything at all and that's simply because life got in the way and I wasn't well enough prepared to deal with the pressures of a full time job and wanting to blog.
This being said I still like to get my blogging goals down on paper so I can keep a good track of the things I want to achieve. So let's take a look at them for this year, shall we?
1. Set Myself A Schedule/Get Ahead
A schedule is something that I have attempted before but I have never managed to stick to. I feel that this is something I would like to implement again this year but this time try and not let it slide. I would also love to be able to have my posts planned and ready to go very well in advance. This is something I am trying but I am sometimes too last minute for it.
2. Post More Consistently
This kind of follows on from the first point. I ultimately would like to post 5 days a week - which is quite a lot of post I know. I achieved this quite well at the beginning of last year but it slipped and sometimes I was posting once in a blue moon - not ideal!
3. Be More Creative With My Photography
Lets be honest, compared to some bloggers out there my photography isn't all that creative. I tend not to use blog props - which is neither a good or bad thing - but I do think I would like to experiment more and see what I can come up with.
4. Collaborate Again
This past year I was given the opportunity to collaborate with a fellow blogger - which you can read about here. This was something I never thought I would have the chance to do and it was genuinely so much fun. I loved every second of it. I would love the opportunity to be able to do this again, especially with bloggers who reflect the styles I love myself.
5. Engage More
I try to be engaging on blogs and social media but sometimes i'm just not. There's no reason for it, genuinely, I just tend to read a post or a tweet and react in my head then move on. This is something I really want to get out of the habit of. I want to try my best to engage more with the wonderful community that is out there waiting to be explored.
6. Take Part In Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats are great opportunities to get to know more bloggers through social media and discover blogs you might never have found. I myself haven't been engaging in these chats as much as I should be, especially The Girl Gang one. It starts at 6 when I am just home from work and I usually collapse on the sofa and fall asleep - this has to change!
7. Be More Active on Instagram
I love Instagram, I really do but I find the whole theme idea daunting and scary. I have a blog account - which you can follow here - and I try to keep this themed in the same way. I will never be one to take pictures with all the same backgrounds or have the same colour scheme in every picture, I just can't manage it. It doesn't fit with my personality. This being said, I do want to be more engaged on this platform and plan what posts i'm going to put up and take them in advance. I want my Instagram to grow this year.
8. Learn The Art of Brainstorming
This has been something I have never really been good at, even when I was at school. I just could never get the hang of what I was really meant to be achieving with brainstorming. I have however, read on many bloggers advice posts that it's a great way to generate ideas for posts. I can struggle for content inspiration sometimes so I really want to learn the art of this and give it a good go.
9. Slim Down My Menu Options
When I first got this wee blog into a shape that I really liked I decided that having drop down menus was a great idea. This led to having four on my blog and within each are many different categories where you can find posts. Flash forward to know and all those options are beginning to annoy me because realistically it makes it harder for you lovely lot to find exactly what you are looking for - time for a change.
10. Change Things Up
I think it might be time for a a change around these parts. I have had things like a circular picture of me and very little colour since I designed my blog. This year I think it's time to add in something new, whether that be a pop of pastel blue or simple a larger, square image of myself. I need something new, change is important!
5. Engage More
I try to be engaging on blogs and social media but sometimes i'm just not. There's no reason for it, genuinely, I just tend to read a post or a tweet and react in my head then move on. This is something I really want to get out of the habit of. I want to try my best to engage more with the wonderful community that is out there waiting to be explored.
6. Take Part In Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats are great opportunities to get to know more bloggers through social media and discover blogs you might never have found. I myself haven't been engaging in these chats as much as I should be, especially The Girl Gang one. It starts at 6 when I am just home from work and I usually collapse on the sofa and fall asleep - this has to change!
7. Be More Active on Instagram
I love Instagram, I really do but I find the whole theme idea daunting and scary. I have a blog account - which you can follow here - and I try to keep this themed in the same way. I will never be one to take pictures with all the same backgrounds or have the same colour scheme in every picture, I just can't manage it. It doesn't fit with my personality. This being said, I do want to be more engaged on this platform and plan what posts i'm going to put up and take them in advance. I want my Instagram to grow this year.
8. Learn The Art of Brainstorming
This has been something I have never really been good at, even when I was at school. I just could never get the hang of what I was really meant to be achieving with brainstorming. I have however, read on many bloggers advice posts that it's a great way to generate ideas for posts. I can struggle for content inspiration sometimes so I really want to learn the art of this and give it a good go.
9. Slim Down My Menu Options
When I first got this wee blog into a shape that I really liked I decided that having drop down menus was a great idea. This led to having four on my blog and within each are many different categories where you can find posts. Flash forward to know and all those options are beginning to annoy me because realistically it makes it harder for you lovely lot to find exactly what you are looking for - time for a change.
10. Change Things Up
I think it might be time for a a change around these parts. I have had things like a circular picture of me and very little colour since I designed my blog. This year I think it's time to add in something new, whether that be a pop of pastel blue or simple a larger, square image of myself. I need something new, change is important!
I think it's important to lay out your goals and see what you really want to focus on for the year. Don't you?
What blogging goals do you have?