Living With a Clingy Dog


Clingy, Dogs, Pets, Clingy, Rescue Dogs, What to Expect, Love,

After a quick Twitter survey I have come to the conclusion that you all quite like hearing about my beautiful spaniel-cross Molly. I have written many, many posts about her which you can find in the lifestyle section of this blog - if you are so inclined to read them.
Living with a dog is such a heartwarming and soul enriching experience, they teach us so many things about kindness and respect, many humans could stand to learn a few things from these four legged creatures.

I do however, have to say that living with a clingy dog is an even bigger learning curve. There are so many adjustments to my life that I have just learned to get on with now. At the beginning though it did all feel very alien to me. We have had dogs for as long as I can remember but they have never been as clingy as Molly, in fact I am unaware of any dog who is as clingy as my Molly.

How clingy is clingy I hear you say... let me explain....

I Never Pee Alone
Okay so I know this reads to you as weird as it was for me to type but I swear it is true! I never pee alone anymore. She follows me into the bathroom and either sits with her head on my knee, or lays at my feet. I have grown to love this kind of behaviour as I guess it's nice to feel loved and protected. She just can't bare to have me out of her site.

Where I Go, She Goes
If I move from one room to another she is behind me. If I walk to the other side to get a remote control, there she is. There is really nowhere that I go where Molly doesn't follow.

Using Technology is Tricky
No matter what I'm doing, may it be using my laptop to write this post, or trying to send a text message, Molly doesn't like it. She sticks her head over the screen so that I can't see that then paws at me until I pet her. This isn't behaviour that I try to encourage as it is thoroughly annoying but nonetheless it is something that she does. She feels scared that she will never get attention so clambers for it at every opportunity.

Cooking Isn't A Solo Activity
This is something that she does more with my mum than anybody else but she just loves assisting you when cooking. She is always by your side, sitting waiting for crumbs to drop or the odd piece of vegetable that you want to give her. The only thing is that  she can get under your feet and there is a fear of dropping something hot on her but she is a persistent lady about cooking nevertheless. 

She Watches Everything I Do
Unlike the rest of the dogs in our pack Molly actually cares about every little thing you do in life. She intently keeps an eye on the things so that she can be there for you immediately, when required - and sometimes when not. She studies people and their ways so much so she knows the running of this house down to each small noise. It's quite scary!

I Never Feel Lonely
There is noway to feel lonely. I have a small furry companion for every mundane activity in my life, even if that's changing the bed or emptying a bin. I find myself talking away to her as she's always there. If I cry, even if it's at tv she looks at me with such love in her eyes it makes me smile. I will tell her I'm okay and she snuggles her head into me to let me know that I'm never alone.

I Am Protected No Matter What
One of the greatest things to come from Molly's over the top clinginess is that she protects me at a moment notice. If one of the other dogs growls at me she intervenes, even if she doesn't have to. She would give her last breath to make sure I am safe. I never know how to thank this kind of loyalty so I do the only thing I know and smother her in love, as much as I can possibly live.

So that brings us to the end of the things to expect from living with an overly clingy dog.
I have to admit I love every second of my life with Molly.

Do you have a clingy pet?

An animals love knows no bounds and I'm okay with that!