Thanks to one of those ever appearing Kardashian/Jenner people lip kits are all the rage. They are quite a simple idea actually, of combining the perfect lip liner and liquid lipstick in one handy little box. I don't know about you and I am aware that I could be alone in this idea but the more people clammer for an item I seem to take a step back from it!
I've never had any desire to pick up one of these 'Kylie Lip Kits'. I think for $29 plus import tax into the UK there has to be something closer to home that is equally as good - and you know what? I was right!!
Barry M Cosmetics has been a brand that has consistently been producing products of a high standard for a number of years. With each new release they seem to get better and better. Around ten years ago I knew them mostly for fabulous nail polishes in any colour you can imagine but these days they can turn their hand to pretty much anything.
When I heard that they brought out lip kits I was keen to pick one up because I had heard amazing things about their lip liners and I had been using one of their matte liquid lip paints for a number of months and rather liked it. As I'm just that kind of girl I headed straight for the nude shades and just had to pick up "Go To Nude" Within a few weeks I have now also picked up the shade 'Bespoke' and I love it just as much.
If there is one thing that Barry M does well and that is packaging. Everything they produce manages to look cute and fun without crossing that line into the world of childish. Each kit comes in its own sleek little cardboard box. Not the most sturdy under serious strain, I am sure but with the price tag of £6.99 is this really a point to complain about? Each box is coloured the same shade of the lipstick inside, which I find super helpful as it allows me to make a more informed decision in the shop without having to fuss about opening up each box and taking a look.
Lip Liner - The Product
Lip liner pencils can be rather hit or miss for me. Sometimes they are so hard that they drag across the lips. There there are those other times where they are so soft they smudge everywhere and a precise application is totally out of the question. These Barry M liners for me, fall somewhere in the middle. They are firm but yet soft enough that you can colour the entire lip without too much effort. They sharpen fairly easily without too much breakage which is usually my pet hate with pencils.
Lip liner pencils can be rather hit or miss for me. Sometimes they are so hard that they drag across the lips. There there are those other times where they are so soft they smudge everywhere and a precise application is totally out of the question. These Barry M liners for me, fall somewhere in the middle. They are firm but yet soft enough that you can colour the entire lip without too much effort. They sharpen fairly easily without too much breakage which is usually my pet hate with pencils.
Liquid Lip Paint - The Product
Generally speaking I quite like these lip paints. I have to say though they are rather true to their name and when you put them on they do feel somewhat like paints. I find the application relatively hard to use and it takes me quite a while to precisely put it on my lips without creating some kind of joker-esque style. The smell of this product isn't too great either but it isn't enough to put me off. Once I have worked my way around the application and actually wear this lip product I have to admit I really enjoy it. It is drying on the lips but that is expected from a matte product. It wears well and lasts rather well through eating and drinking which surprised me.
Generally speaking I quite like these lip paints. I have to say though they are rather true to their name and when you put them on they do feel somewhat like paints. I find the application relatively hard to use and it takes me quite a while to precisely put it on my lips without creating some kind of joker-esque style. The smell of this product isn't too great either but it isn't enough to put me off. Once I have worked my way around the application and actually wear this lip product I have to admit I really enjoy it. It is drying on the lips but that is expected from a matte product. It wears well and lasts rather well through eating and drinking which surprised me.
When all is said and done I have to admit that I rather like this item. The combination works really well together and I love how the lip paint looks on top of the lip liner. Together I feel they make a really good match. Not everything is perfect and there are some things that I would improve such as the smell but all in all I definitely think that the kits are worth the money. I now own two one in Go To Nude and the other in Bespoke.
When all is said and done I have to admit that I rather like this item. The combination works really well together and I love how the lip paint looks on top of the lip liner. Together I feel they make a really good match. Not everything is perfect and there are some things that I would improve such as the smell but all in all I definitely think that the kits are worth the money. I now own two one in Go To Nude and the other in Bespoke.
For £6.99 I think these lip kits are well worth picking up and with so many shades in the collection I know that I am definitely not stopping at just two kits.
Have you tried these kits?
What do you think?