First of all I think that I should start this post with a small warning, if rambling wordy posts aren't your thing then maybe you should skip on and read some of my other content. Now onto the post itself.
I'm not really sure what the true point of this is going to be but something came to my mind earlier when I was reading my friend Sophie's blog - check it out by the way it's beautiful!
She made a point in one of her posts that she wanted to keep her content real and only post when she had true inspiration and wanted to. That's when it hit me, this blogging thing as brilliant and amazing as it can be, can also lead to such insane pressures that it can cause total and utter crippling disbelief.
I have been struggling to post recently for no other reason that I just don't have the inspiration. I don't want to be pushing out stuff that I've written just for the sake of it! I want every word on this little space on the internet to be well crafted and come from a truly genuine place. I want it to be interesting to read and not feel forced in any shape or form.
I have always tried my best to keep it real but I have also tried to get as much content out there as I could because for a time I was brimming with content ideas. I have to say however, the working world and life around me has me so exhausted that I am struggling to put together content that I think is worth posting!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining! I am so lucky to have work as I know so many talented people who are struggling but I also have to admit that I am missing out on the creativity that comes from being free to do other things. I guess sometimes I need to reset my mind and help the juices flow.
I am so hard on myself as I always have been. For me getting anywhere in life, earning my degree, it's all come from putting in as much effort as possible. I want to do the same for this blog but I also don't want it to suffer cause I'm trying too hard.
I guess my main point for writing this is that I don't want to feel stifled by life and for that to come across here. That being said, I also want you all to see how real I am as I can't be anything else but me. Now that I am 25 I have finally come to love who I am, with all my weird traits and mildly alarming sense of humour. I want that to be the person you see through each and every post, not some super polished, glossy version who you think has her life together, cause trust me I don't.
For me, keeping it real is as important to me as the content. I love posting about things that matter to me and that includes talking about things such as this. I admire all those bloggers out there, each and every one of you but I need to stop comparing myself. Our lives are all different and unfortunately I struggle with exhaustion, when I am tired I am not the best version of me and that means my content isn't the best representation of me.
I therefore, promise that from now on in I am going to take it easy on myself and just be happy, the content will come and I believe that you will all still be here to read it.
How do you feel about keeping it real?