Sometimes I just want to sit down and write without any real reason and I to me this is what my little blog is all about. Don't get me wrong I love writing specific reviews and such like posts but sometimes it can be really nice to just sit down and just talk to you all.
Recently, I have been really struggling to keep up with my blog. I have so much respect for those bloggers who manage to blog full time and work full time. I can barely manage to keep my eyes open after a 37.5 hour week - that's not including my travel time! Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining, I love my job but I also love my blog and I feel so guilty that I just cannot seem to juggle both.
I think sometimes it's important to be honest and admit that it's not always easy. I love producing content but I keep finding myself in a creative rut and not producing the quality that I want. I don't think that I should keep pushing out posts just for the sake of it cause I know that you lovely lot will be able to tell.
If i'm honest - there's that word again - I don't really know what the point of this post is but I think I just wanted to ramble my thoughts out. I feel so much guilt about posting and not keeping myself involved enough in the blogging community as much as the warmth and love I feel from everyone I have contact with is so special.
I think I need to learn to relax. If I relax and stop worrying about having a schedule and set posting days then maybe I will be able to get back to having lots of ideas that I can get up regularly - bit like my beginners guide to make-up.
I mostly want to thank all of you for taking the time to read my posts and stick by me. I know i'm not the most consistent with my content and I don't follow all the blogging 'rules' about the appropriate length of my posts and I usually don't have multiple pictures but every comment I get makes me smile and I love knowing that at least one beautiful soul is reading the words I have put into the ether.
This is probably as good a time as any to stop rambling and wrap this very random post up. If you have made it to the end I salute you and thank-you for being here whilst I struggle through lack of sleep and subsequently lack of content.
What do you do when you struggle?