Losing a Pet is Never Easy


Loss, Grief, Dog, Pet, Animal, Love

Although this was never going to be an easy post to write, or even one that you all wanted to read, I felt that it was something that I needed to put down into words for you all. If what is written in this post can even help one of you through the loss of a pet, then it's done exactly what I wanted it to do.

As you all probably know, on the 23rd March 2017, we lost our beautiful golden girl Missy. We knew it was going to happen eventually but when it actually did happen, it all seemed to go so quickly. She had to be put down at the vet's as my dad felt it would have been too much for my mum to handle.

Saying goodbye to a furry friend isn't a new experience it is something that i've had to go through many times before but it never really does get easier and to be honest, i'm okay with that. I thought I would put together a few things that I always think when it happens that helps ease my pain a little.

Loss, Grief, Dog, Pet, Animal, Love

Saying Goodbye Should Never Be Easy
If it was easy for you to say goodbye then it wouldn't really be love. The love and bond you have with your pet is special which makes it harder to put them to rest. You just have to remember the reasons. You aren't being superficial and you are helping your best friend out. The end of their life has unfortunately come and that's always going to be hard to swallow.

Don't Let Anybody Tell You It's Just a Pet
Animals mean different things to each person who either has them or doesn't have them. You need to grieve in your own way and you cannot let anybody dictate how that should be. If it's crying your eyes out holding their picture to your chest or watching a quiet movie with your loved ones around you it doesn't matter. Deal with it how you need to.

New Pets Aren't Replacements
When you feel you are ready, you should adopt a new fur baby. It's never going to be a replacement. You have so much love to offer and there are so many babies looking love. It seems like the perfect combination to put you both together. Just remember not to rush yourself and only welcome someone new when it feels right.

Remember All The Good Times
Your friends are going to be sick and tired of hearing you talk about your lost pet but that doesn't matter. Remember all the good times that you had. They are your memories for you to keep close and never forget. It will comfort you remembering all the love you shared and how happy your pet was.

Loss, Grief, Dog, Pet, Animal, Love

Although there aren't many points I hope that these bring you even a small amount of comfort. For me feeling the love from my friends, family and those in the blogging community helped me to smile again once my beautiful baby had left us. 

It's amazing to me how much love I can feel for my pets, they are family members to me and mean more if not just as much as any human member. I cherish their lives and mourn them as much as I would anybody else. 

We are preparing to welcome a new furry bundle into our home and I will be telling you all about him in the days to come. In the mean time I hope that you have found whatever you need to find from this post and I thank-you for allowing me to get it all out. 

On a quick side note, I apologise for the quality of some of these pictures but I didn't get much of a chance to take many shots of Missy as she usually preferred being left to her own devices.

Have you lost a pet? How did you cope?

Gone but never forgotten