Okay, so it has been a very long time since a post has appeared here. I am not going to make any more excuses, there have been enough of those round here! I am just going to say that managing my time has been something I haven't been too good at. Hopefully I can change that this month - although as I am typing this post the night before it goes up at 23:44 when I should be sleeping it's hard to see!
I am hoping to do Blogmas this year but I am not fully committing to daily posts, instead my version is just going to be as many posts as I can manage - I have quite a few ideas and pictures for once! To begin I thought I would start with some festive 'traditions'.
For every person there are different things that signify the start of the Christmas period. For some it's hearing a certain song on the radio, for others it's putting the tree up on an exact date. Some have their birthday's at the end of November so would rather wait until after this date.
So when do my festivities begin?
Well there are a few things that start it all off for me really...
I know that thanksgiving is mostly a North American (Canadians included here) tradition and there aren't many of us, especially in Northern Ireland who celebrate this tradition. My family however, as with everything, are a little different. We flew to Florida to spend three weeks on holiday two months after the 9/11 attacks took place. It was a scary time for air travel after what had happened and during our trip we were lucky enough to not only be there but to celebrate this fabulous occasion with fellow Americans. From then on we vowed to get our family together at the same time every year for a meal and tell each other what we are thankful for. We always have our tree up for this and it just doesn't feel like Christmas without it.
Tree Decorating
This is a something that my mum and I always do together, when my dad goes to work now. We put the Christmas music on, have a beer or two, maybe a glass of Baileys and get going with the decorations. We have so many lights to put round our house and three trees to get up and decorate. Everything takes so long but it's always done with a laugh and a smile. Decorating the house is one of the things I look forward to as it's a special moment my mum and I share once a year!
Homemade Mince Pies
Ask my friends and they will tell you I tend to say the phrase "I only eat my mums" or "my mummy makes it better" for an awful lot of food out there. I have grown up with my mums home cooking and she has always been the kind of woman who will make everything she can from scratch. She is no different when it comes to mince pies. I have never really been a fan of mince pies, the shop bought ones always have too much pastry and are so thick they just aren't enjoyable. However, my mums mince meat is so delicious and her pastry is so thin I can't help but want to each boxes at a time. My Christmas doesn't arrive until I have one of her homemade mince pies, heated with cream on the side. YUM!
Fairytale of New York is Played
My best mate and I always said when we used to go clubbing that it didn't feel like Christmas until we were singing Fairytale of New York by The Pogues to each other with a drink in our hands. Nowadays, we are much more civilised and instead wait for this classic to make an appearance on the radio. When it does I cannot contain my excitement, it is my favourite modern Christmas song of all time!
Christmas Coffees Arrive
I am now very much a coffee drinker. All very strange as I wasn't a few years ago. This means that I am still relatively new to the massive trend that is Christmas coffees, so when I see them come into the coffee shops in the town it does make me very giggly. I can't wait to try them all.
Christmas Songs are Played in Town
I really cannot tell you but nothing makes me feel more festive than wondering about the town centre, wrapped up with a lovely hat and scarf, to hear the Christmas music blaring into the streets through speakers. It really does make me feel so warm and happy. Nothing can be better!!
Tree Decorating
This is a something that my mum and I always do together, when my dad goes to work now. We put the Christmas music on, have a beer or two, maybe a glass of Baileys and get going with the decorations. We have so many lights to put round our house and three trees to get up and decorate. Everything takes so long but it's always done with a laugh and a smile. Decorating the house is one of the things I look forward to as it's a special moment my mum and I share once a year!
Homemade Mince Pies
Ask my friends and they will tell you I tend to say the phrase "I only eat my mums" or "my mummy makes it better" for an awful lot of food out there. I have grown up with my mums home cooking and she has always been the kind of woman who will make everything she can from scratch. She is no different when it comes to mince pies. I have never really been a fan of mince pies, the shop bought ones always have too much pastry and are so thick they just aren't enjoyable. However, my mums mince meat is so delicious and her pastry is so thin I can't help but want to each boxes at a time. My Christmas doesn't arrive until I have one of her homemade mince pies, heated with cream on the side. YUM!
Fairytale of New York is Played
My best mate and I always said when we used to go clubbing that it didn't feel like Christmas until we were singing Fairytale of New York by The Pogues to each other with a drink in our hands. Nowadays, we are much more civilised and instead wait for this classic to make an appearance on the radio. When it does I cannot contain my excitement, it is my favourite modern Christmas song of all time!
Christmas Coffees Arrive
I am now very much a coffee drinker. All very strange as I wasn't a few years ago. This means that I am still relatively new to the massive trend that is Christmas coffees, so when I see them come into the coffee shops in the town it does make me very giggly. I can't wait to try them all.
Christmas Songs are Played in Town
I really cannot tell you but nothing makes me feel more festive than wondering about the town centre, wrapped up with a lovely hat and scarf, to hear the Christmas music blaring into the streets through speakers. It really does make me feel so warm and happy. Nothing can be better!!
These are the six things that make things feel super festive for me.
What things make things feel a lot like Christmas for you?