As some of you may know I have a dog - Molly - and she is pretty much spoilt rotten. I can't help spoiling her she is just too adorable not to. Anyway, I digress. Unlike quite a few dogs, Molly does not sleep in a dog bed, oh no, she spends her nights stretched out in my double.
The idea of this may not please many but I know that there are many animal lovers out there who share the same ideas as myself and can't imagine their cute furry bundles anywhere else. This being said however, the reality of sharing your bed with a four legged friend is very different from the reality.
Expectation: They settle quickly
Reality - Yes there are days when Molly hops into bed and goes to sleep almost immediately. However, there can be nights where she is up and down, runs round the room, brings me socks to throw, chews her bone against the metal bed posts. All in all it can be a tedious time to get to sleep.
Expectation: They sleep at the bottom of the bed
Reality: Molly sleeps wherever she wants to and that's just that! Some nights she's at the bottom of the bed, in the space where my feet should go. Other nights she won't settle unless she's lying on my side of the bed. There are also nights, where she curls up on the other side of my bed with her head on the pillow and snoozes away like a human. You can just never tell!
Expectation: You wouldn't know they were there
Reality: There is dog hair everywhere! I have grey/black/white sheets and there is hair everywhere!
Expectation: They sleep all night
Reality: Sometimes Molly does yes but sometimes I wake up suddenly from my sleep, to find her sitting staring at my like some demented demon. She needs out and that can't be argued with.
Expectation: Your bedroom remains untouched by canine accessories
Reality: Not so much. I sleep with my bedroom door shut, so that means that I have to keep a mat with a water bowl in my room so she can have access to a drink whenever she needs one.
Expectation: You can starfish in the centre of the bed and they will move round you
Reality: Sometimes how I wish this was true. There can be occasions when I don't want anything more than to lie flat on my face in the middle of the bed as a starfish would. Alas, this is not the case, Molly tends to dictate the positions I sleep in... which most of the time I just get on with!
Expectation: Once you've shared your bed with a dog once you won't do it again!
Reality: The reality of this for me is that I cannot imagine a night where Molly - or any dog I own - isn't sleeping in my bed or in my room. Don't get me wrong I have considered the possibility of training any future dogs to sleep in a bed of their own by mine but I feel safest knowing my pet is near me at all times.
Sometimes the realities of life are far beyond the expectations and I think this is true for sharing a bed with your pet.
Have you any pets you share your bed with?
What do you think about sharing a bed with your pet?