Make-Up For Beginners #9 - Base Tools


Make-Up, Beginners, Guide, Advice, Beauty, Tools, Base

Welcome back to this wee series. It's been a while since I've posted a Make-Up For Beginners but I felt it was about time I shared some more of my top tips with you all. So here we go.. I hope you enjoy!

Now that we have gone through all of my top tips for each step of your base from skincare to highlighter, I figured that it was important to take you through my top tips for base tools. I know how confusing it can be when you are standing in a shop, looking at all the tools to buy from brushes to sponges. There is a tendency to go, "what on earth is that for?".

Well you don't have to worry I have put together my beginners guide to base tools and what I think you really need to have in your basic collection.

What do I mean by base tools? Well your base is considered to be your foundation. I tend to use liquid products for this but I have to say that these tools can be used for a variety of bases such as powders, creams etc.

When it comes to applying your foundation there are two basic tools that I think everyone should have:
  • A buffing brush - check out this one
  • A make-up sponge - check out this one

For me I think these are the easiest to use and can be mastered by anyone at any level.

Make-Up, Beginners, Guide, Advice, Beauty, Tools, Base

I tend to reach for my make-up sponge every time I apply foundation but the basics for applying with both are fairly simple:

  • Buffing Brush
    • Either apply dots of foundation to the face of a small amount of product to to the head of the brush
    • Begin applying the product to the face in the areas you want more coverage, such as the centre of the face
    • Apply the foundation in thin layers and build up to a fuller coverage
    • Ensure you are buffing the product into the skin using light circular motions

  • Make-Up Sponge
    • A make-up sponge can be used wet or dry
    • Using the sponge wet ensures that less product is absorbed by the sponge itself and provides a sheer finish on the face
    • Using the sponge dry means that the product isn't diluted but more is likely to be absorbed by the sponge
    • My best advice is to try both ways and see which works best - I use both depending on my mood
    • When you have decided on which way to use the sponge, apply the product to either your face or the sponge and begin applying in a bouncing motion
    • Bouncing the product into the skin ensures an even and flawless coverage
Make-Up, Beginners, Guide, Advice, Beauty, Tools, Base

These two tools can also be combined. You can start by putting the foundation on to the skin in circular motions with the buffing brush. The sponge can then be used to remove any streaks and ensure that you have a perfect foundation application.

There are lots of other types of tools that you can use to apply foundation to the skin, however, they require practice and experience. The two I have chosen to discuss, allow any beginner to practice their application with easy to use tools and very little hassle.

Make-Up, Beginners, Guide, Advice, Beauty, Tools, Base

With regards to concealer application, there are brushes and sponges out there on the market. However, for the beginning I feel that you can blend your foundation in with the same make-up sponge you use for foundation. If you prefer,  you can also use your fingertips for the more gentle areas around the eye area. However, you could go with a small domed brush to blend the product out if you find it easier to use a brush.

As I have said before there is no right or wrong way to apply foundation. You simply have to experiment until you find a way that suits your style.

What products do you think have to be part of your basic collection?
Is there anything you would recommend?

Make-up... fun from beginning to end.