I think it's time that I said sorry to all you lovely people... again. I have become struck down with a serious case of bloggers guilt as I just haven't been posting. I thought the best way to get back into the swing of things would be to let you know what's been going on.
My Laptop Is Dying
I think this is the main thing I need to tell you all. My poor laptop that has been with me since 2011 is finally trying to give up. It keeps crashing and not responding to me, which can be ever so slightly frustrating. I am planning on purchasing a new laptop but I have decided that I want to go down the Mac route and not the windows. I just need to get up the will to part with the money for what I want.
Work Has Been Exhausting
Work has been rather busy recently and I haven't had the time to think when I come home never mind battle with the aforementioned laptop. I have lots of ideas going about my head of what I want to blog about but I just don't have the energy. I am going to try and change that though.
I Finally Saw Fast 8
I rarely go to the cinema these days but there are some movies I make an exception for. Fast and Furious I always make an exception for. My best friend and I have a standing date that when these movies are released we are there to see the action. I know they are stretching on a bit now that they are at number 8 but I have to say, I can't stop watching and waiting for the next one... no matter what!
I Received a Package
Awh this has to be the most exciting thing that has happened over all! When Amy from the wonderful amyevans.blog said that she wanted to gift me a big box of beauty items. I have never been so excited to receive a package in all my life. She stuffed this box with so many amazing items I can't even begin to tell you about them. It is safe to say that I am going to be reviewing beauty products for a long time to come.
Skincare at Night
This has to be the most shocking update of all for me but I have been sticking to a skincare routine at night! I have found the products that I am enjoying taking my make-up off with and my skin is enjoying the creams and serums that I am using at night. Blog post about this coming soon!
I have started keeping a gratitude section in my bullet journal to write down the things that i've been grateful for this month. I've only started it but I am liking the idea of keeping a focus on the things that matter and finding the positives to look at rather than the negatives.
So there we have it, a little insight into what's been going on with me.
What's been going on with you?