Blogtober #6 - Being Me!

Recently I have been thinking that I would like to do a post about 'being me'. I like writing those kind of posts and I also think it's nice for you, who read my blog to get to know a bit about the person behind it. I was so delighted a few days ago to be scrolling through blogs of people I love and came across a post that Jemma had done along the same idea, it's well worth a read.

So here are a list of things about being me, I thought saying I was 24 I would do 24 points!

1. Overthinking: I have a tendency to do it A LOT! It's not about everything but about the things that most people would move on from. Oh no not me, i'm over here in the corner worrying about something I did five years ago!

2. Dog Hair: They are everywhere in my life! No matter how much I try I am always covered, bed sheets and everything!

3. Chandler: He's my favourite Friends character and as i'm re-watching it all at the moment it just makes me fall in love with him even more!

4. Weirdo: This is very true when it comes to DVDs. If I don't finish a series or watch some DVDs more than others then I actually feel guilty that I am neglecting the others in my collection... told ya I was weird!

5. Rich Tea Biscuits: An average day for me would not be complete without me eating a rather large amount of these biscuits. I literally cannot get enough of them - not that i'm obsessed or anything - runs off to eat more!

6. Gin & Tonic: I never used to like gin which is surprising considering the amount I now drink but it really is true. Flash forward to now however and it seems I have developed a real love of gin, I like to try different ones and I have formed a mental list of all the ones I like best!

7. Tattoos: I love them, I think they can be so artistic and beautiful. I also really want one, a skull to be exact but I think about things for so long who knows when it will ever happen!

8. Skulls: I love them. To me there is something very artistic and beautiful about them. Don't ask me exactly why but it's true.

9. Love: I believe in love and I always will. It's not always easy to find but it'll be worth it when you do.

10. Cards: I love writing birthday cards, christmas cards, any kind of cards really. It's my chance to put loving, thoughtful messages in words to those I love.

11. Organised: I love to be organised and have things sorted but when it comes to getting my Christmas presents sorted, I find it so hard to keep the gifts hidden. I get too excited and just wanna hand it to them then and there.

12. Being Cold: I would rather be too cold than to warm. When i'm hot - as my friends and family all know - it takes forever for me to cool down. Being cold means I can warm up to a suitable temperature!

13. Staying Up Late: I think it's safe to say I am definitely a night owl instead of an early bird. I should be asleep when i'm writing this but I think better at night!

14. Breakfast: For some reason I just can't eat it. I have to be awake a few hours before the feeling of nausea goes away and eating feels normal - not easy for a girl who loves to eat!

15. Leggings: I pretty much live in leggings, whether they be plain black, patterned, workout, any kind of leggings really. I find it very hard to go back to jeans as I just love leggings so much.

16. Cooking: I don't do it as much anymore as I don't live on my own and my mum's cooking is hard to beat. Cooking is something I love to do though and I love to be creative with it too.

17. Coffee: I love coffee but I only started drinking it a few years ago. It was a slow start but I now I rather like it. Still haven't progressed to black with a splash of milk though. Someday :)

18. Learning: I think I will always be a student at heart. I love to study and broaden my mind and I think studying is the best way to do that! If only I could afford another degree. 

19. Dancing: When I was a little girl I did Irish Dancing and I will always regret not learning how to tap dance.

20. Business: I would love to run my own business, I just don't really know where to begin or what exactly I want to do.. food for thought anyway. Maybe I could start a dog related business :)

21. Creativity: I like being creative, I just don't think i'm very good at it. My mum is always telling me that I am creative in my own way but sometimes I find it hard to believe.

22. Zoo: I have only ever been to a zoo once. Strange isn't it.

23. Distracted: I can definitely get distracted watching Youtube videos or Snapchat. I start with one and four hours later I am still sitting there watching them.

24. Flying: I love to fly, it's an experience that I always look forward to. I even considered following in my aunties footsteps and being cabin crew on a plane.

Well there we have it, 24 things about being me! Do any of these things relate to you?

Everybody is different and I like it!

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