Blogtober #16 - Curing That Sunday Hangover!

Hangover, Curing, Personal, Thought, Sunday's, Tips, Lifestyle

For me Sunday's usually mean one thing and that is a hangover. There aren't too many Sunday's when i'm not suffering from the antics I have gotten up to the night before. Over the years I have come up with a few tips to help me get through them in one piece.

1. Lots of fluids - whether it be water or something fizzy.

2. Lots of food - some hungover people can't eat but I could not recommend food more.

3. Lots of sleep - sleep is always the best way, I think to shift any headache.

4. Watch a good movie - take it easy and watch something that doesn't use lots of brain power ie Notting Hill.

5. Don't make any plans - there is nothing worse than having plans on a hangover day.

6. Get out of bed - I find that there is only so long you can stay in bed before you go mad.

7. Leave tidying for another day - if i've been out I always leave tidying my room or bag away to the next day.

8. Wear comfy clothes - wearing comfortable clothes when I have a hangover makes me feel better.

9. Make the room cosy - blankets, low lighting etc will make the atmosphere cosier.

10. Take painkillers - if you are feeling very rough then painkillers are probably the best way to go. Only if you are comfortable taking them though.

These are my top ten tips for curing that Sunday hangover. Now don't get me wrong the best way to cure the hangover is to not drink at all but if you are like me and succumb to a cold glass of wine or a lovely gin and tonic these will hopefully see you through the other side.

Have you any tips for surviving a hangover?

There is no such thing as too much fun

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