Blogtober #20 - A Year Changes Everything

Life, Catch Up, Personal, Thought

Sometimes I wonder where time goes, this year is nearing the end of October already and it's very hard to believe. This past year has seen so many changes for me and I thought it would be fun to take a look back at them.

1. I Learnt To Drive
One year ago today I passed my driving test and was able to take my little Clio out for a spin on my own. Flash forward and my 'R' plates have come down and I no longer am a restricted driver. Driving has given me an independence I cannot explain and I am so happy that I finally learnt to drive.

2. I Became Employed
It took a while after I left Uni - well over a year to be exact - but I finally got myself a job. I could not be happier, even though there is a small commute everyday. Working again has allowed me to feel more independent and grow as a person. 

3. I Got My Health Under Control
My health has been something that has been playing up since I left university. It took quite a lot of persevering with doctors, specialists and medicine but I am finally in a place where I feel I can get on with everyday tasks and not worry about them.

4. I Started The Gym
Something that I never saw myself doing was holding down a regular exercise routine. Now I go twice a week with my best friend and I could not bet happier. Exercise is something that I actually enjoy now.

5. I Sorted My Bedroom
It took a long time to finally get my room into a state that I am happy with but after a trip to Ikea, I finally have enough furniture that allows me to store things properly. I also now have surfaces where I can take good quality blog photographs as everything is clean and white.

6. I Stopped Drinking Diet Coke Everyday
I used to have an awful habit of drinking a tin of Diet Coke, each and everyday. I used to get a headache when I didn't drink it and it felt like something I had to do regardless of it I really want it or not. If we look at me now, I barely drink it anymore and I don't miss it at all.

These are the six main things that have changed in my life over the past year. I am so happy with how things are going and I look forward to what's going to come in the next year.

What things have changed for you?

Everything changes for a reason

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