Blogtober #2: Autumn Workout Motivation

Workout, Motivation, Autumn, Weights, Personal

Well this is a post that I never saw myself writing, lets be honest I have never exactly been one for working out. Recently though, things have changed and I go to the gym twice a week - not that often I know but still it's better than not going at all?

As the Autumn or even the Winter months roll in however, I am aware that it can be very easy to kick back on the sofa, with a hot drink and just forget about any kind of working out. I don't want to fall into this trap so I have a few little tips for motivation to help you get through and keep working out.

1. Find Yourself a Workout/Gym Buddy
This has been the biggest motivation for me. Having somebody there to encourage me to go no matter what the weather or the time of day. My best friend and I go together despite both working long hours and having to travel to our jobs so we both know how the other feels. Having a buddy just helps in general.

2. Do Some Home Workouts
If there is a day/night when you cannot make it to the gym for various reasons I find that it can be good to do some home workouts. This could be some reps with small weights, a yoga workout with a DVD or there are lots of Youtube videos that show you how to get short but beneficial workouts in at home.

3. Set Yourself A Goal
This is the same as any other time of the year but set yourself a goal of what you want to achieve in a certain amount of time. This might be fitting into that NYE dress or it could simply be that you want to be able to lift a certain weight by the end of the year. Having something to work towards always makes you more likely to do the thing.

4. Keep A Track Of Your Workouts
I like to keep a track of when I workout in my Bullet Journal - although I have been very lax with this recently - as it can be really helpful to visually see on paper what you have achieved throughout each month.

5. Don't Waste Your Money
Unless you are really lucky and have some magical gym where it doesn't cost you money there is a chance that you have to pay quite a hefty membership in order to attend. Keep this in mind and i'm pretty sure you will soon remember that you don't want to be wasting your money.

These are the things that I think about or do whenever I need the motivation to go to the gym during the darker days. If you try any of these out please let me know :)

What are your tips for workout motivation?

Just remember it's good for you!

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