Blogtober #14 - Friday Favourites Edition 6


Friday, Favourites, Lists, Things, Thoughts

Here we are again, this month feels like it is flying past even though I am blogging everyday. I am getting less organsied as the days go by but we are getting there :) For me this week has had it's moments, both good and bad but today I am going to focus on the good ones.

*Favouite Moment
This moment has to be when I reconnected with a very dear friend who I had lost touch with. We went out for dinner and it was like we had never stopped speaking at any point. I think this shows that no matter what happens we will always have a deep seeded friendship that will never be lost.

*Favourite Blog Moment
When I received a PR e-mail that stated I had been nominated to take park by another blogger - somebody who I consider a true friend. I am so excited to do this and I can't wait for you all to read about it here on my little corner of the internet.

*Favourite TV Moment
Re-watching every series of Friends - I am currently on number 5 - has reminded me of all the wonderful and personal moments that happened on this show. I have been through every emotion and have shed many a tear. 

*Favourite Family Moment
I have booked a night in a 5* hotel in Belfast at the beginning of Deccember for my mum and me. She was so excited when I told her and I cannot wait to spend a night in sheer luxury, with spa treatments and roof top hot tubs overlooking the city. It's going to be bliss!

*Favourite Personal Moment
My favourite personal moment from this week was when I was told by my Great Auntie what the parents of a best friend of mine thought about me. They said such beautiful, complimentary things that it made me blush. Sometimes you never realise what people really think of you, or the impression you leave.

These are my five favourite moments from the week - what are yours?

Everybody has a favourite weekly moment