Blogtober #21 - Friday Favourites Edition 7

Molly, Dog, Favourites, Lists, Though

There is something about these posts that I love to write. They give me a moment to look back on the week and pick out what I love most about it.

*Favourite Moment
I know I have already talked about it in my life update post but the fact that my 'R' plates have come down and I am now treated the same as every other driver on the road really is amazing to me. I also cannot believe that it has been a year since I took my driving test. Where does time go.

*Favourite Molly Story
My parents took all four of the furbabies for an adventure at the beach. I couldn't be there as I had to work but my dad did snap the picture above. To me it's one of the most beautiful pictures of Molly I have seen. She's covered in sand and clearly having the time of her life. Melts my heart.

*Favourite Thing I've Bought
I went into Asda and immediately went down the bedding aisle as I love the homeware that you can find there. I clapped eyes on their skull set and I just had to get it. I was even more excited to see that the double set, which is the one I needed was half price. £7.50 what a bargain.

*Favourite Personal Moment
I finally feel like things are clicking at work and I know what i'm talking about. There is nothing like that feeling. After just 6 months it feels so good that people are asking me for advice and I am actually able to help without questioning myself and sounding stupid.

This weeks favourites are short and sweet but some weeks can be like that.

What have your favourites been?

Every week is different but there is always something to be thankful for

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