Blogtober #18 - I Love Watching Disney Movies!

Disney, Feelings, Love, Personal,

I don't know about you but I really do love watching Disney movies. There is just something about delving into the complex world that they create that makes me feel like a little girl all over again. The memories that each movie holds for me is very special. I thought that it would be fun to go over the reasons that I love watching Disney movies.

1. There is always a good song to listen to - really I mean sing along to

2. There is always a life lesson somewhere in the story

3. Every character reflects somebody you have met somewhere in your life

4. They show us that anything is possible if we just believe

5. Evil never succeeds - which is true in real life if we look really hard

6. They bring home the importance of family and friends - working together makes life a little better

7. Your Prince Charming is out there somewhere - just keep looking

8. Disney has hidden meanings that only adults will truly see

9. You experience every emotion possible - one moment I am crying my eyes out, the next I am grinning from ear to ear.

10. It allows you to transport yourself to a world where magic is real - although it is real, isn't it?

I hope you have enjoyed reading my list of reasons as to why I love Disney movies.

What are your reasons?

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them - Walt Disney

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