Lip gloss is one of those strange things that I have a love/hate relationship with. I love the colours that they come in but I have to say that the other qualities that lipgloss has just begins to annoy me eventually.
Blogtober #21 - Friday Favourites Edition 7
There is something about these posts that I love to write. They give me a moment to look back on the week and pick out what I love most about it.
Blogtober #20 - A Year Changes Everything
Sometimes I wonder where time goes, this year is nearing the end of October already and it's very hard to believe. This past year has seen so many changes for me and I thought it would be fun to take a look back at them.
Blogtober #19 - An Autumn Walk
One of the things I love about this weather is going for walks. The crisp, clean air and the colours of the nature around me, makes me feel alive and very happy. There is nothing better than walking around in nature with my camera, taking in all that is around me.
Blogtober #18 - I Love Watching Disney Movies!
I don't know about you but I really do love watching Disney movies. There is just something about delving into the complex world that they create that makes me feel like a little girl all over again. The memories that each movie holds for me is very special. I thought that it would be fun to go over the reasons that I love watching Disney movies.
Blogtober #17 - My No.1 Eyeliner
We all have that one product that we keep coming back to over and over again. I know that I have many and there would never be a time that they wouldn't appear somewhere in my make-up collection.
Blogtober #16 - Curing That Sunday Hangover!
For me Sunday's usually mean one thing and that is a hangover. There aren't too many Sunday's when i'm not suffering from the antics I have gotten up to the night before. Over the years I have come up with a few tips to help me get through them in one piece.
Blogtober #15 - Motivation, Please Come Back!
Motivation - it's one of those things that comes and goes as it pleases! It annoys me so much that there can be days where I just cannot find the motivation to do anything but sleep. I find that going through a few simple steps can help to get the juices flowing and make me want to get back to the things I know I want to do.
Blogtober #14 - Friday Favourites Edition 6
Here we are again, this month feels like it is flying past even though I am blogging everyday. I am getting less organsied as the days go by but we are getting there :) For me this week has had it's moments, both good and bad but today I am going to focus on the good ones.
Blogtober #11 - Goals For The End of 2016!
Okay, so I know it can be a little strange to talk about goals so near to the end of the year but sometimes I think it can be better to have goals at times when there isn't pressure from everybody else to know what they are or asking if you are going to stick to them.
Blogtober #10 - Autumn Foundation Picks
Autumn is officially here which for me is great as I would definitely say that it's my favourite season of the year. There are many reasons I love Autumn but my make-up not sliding off my face is definitely up there near the top of the list.
Blogtober #9 - Autumn Cosy Night Essentials
Maybe it's just me getting older but I think that there really is nothing better than a cosy night in when the Autumn months roll in. I like to kick off my shoes, get settled on the sofa and just enjoy the fact there is a crisp feel to the air.
Blogtober #8 - October Bullet Journal
Okay, so I have a confession, my September bullet journal spread got sadly neglected but I have decided that I am going to make an effort with October. Yes I know I have said all of this before but I have changed up my layout again and this time I am far happier with it. It looks so neat and tidy!
Blogtober #7 - Friday Favourites Edition 5
Well we have made it to the first Friday of #blogtober - I think it's all going well so far - and I thought I couldn't let a Friday past without it being a Friday Favourites. I would love to hear your favourites of the week so leave me a comment below :)
Blogtober #6 - Being Me!
Recently I have been thinking that I would like to do a post about 'being me'. I like writing those kind of posts and I also think it's nice for you, who read my blog to get to know a bit about the person behind it. I was so delighted a few days ago to be scrolling through blogs of people I love and came across a post that Jemma had done along the same idea, it's well worth a read.
Blogtober #5 - Lipsticks Currently in My Handbag
Okay, so I admit it, I have a slight problem with lipsticks. I have far too many - even when you count the ones that have been lost in friends cars or borrowed on a night out - and I don't wear them all. I keep going back to a select few that I really love which can usually be found lurking around in the bottom of my handbag.
Blogtober #3 - Products I'm Currently Trying Out
There is nothing I love more than going out and picking up lots of products that I can try out and integrate into my everyday make-up routine. During my most recent shopping spree I picked up three items in particular which I am enjoying putting in my make-up organiser for my most reached for pieces.
Blogtober #2: Autumn Workout Motivation
Well this is a post that I never saw myself writing, lets be honest I have never exactly been one for working out. Recently though, things have changed and I go to the gym twice a week - not that often I know but still it's better than not going at all?
Hello Blogtober!
It's the first of October, that is crazy! I am going to be that cliched person who comes out and says the obvious but where did September go? Actually no, where has this year gone? It's just gone in a flash, hasn't it?