My Blogging Goals For 2016

Blogging Goals 2016

Well, where did that last year just go? Can you believe that we have left 2015 behind and are now in 2016? 

With that in mind I wanted to go through some of the blogging goals that I have for this year. Since starting this little blog at the end of 2014, it has somewhat grown beyond anything I could imagine and going into this new year I want it to go from strength to strength. In order to do this I feel I need to aim to do the following things.

1. Regularly revamp my layout & design - I want to keep my design fresh and with that in mind I think that it would be a good idea to overhaul some parts of my blog every few months whether that be the header or simply the font.

2. Schedule my posts in advance - Sometimes I am very good at scheduling posts and there are other times where I quickly write one the night before. My goal is to have weeks of posts written and ready to go in advance so that I feel more confident and happier with my content.

3. Not get hung up if I miss a post - Sometimes I miss a post and sometimes I don't. When I miss them I usually get so worried about it and I spend the night panicking that I haven't gotten the post up. With this in mind, I usually don't post on days where I feel like it's just filler content and I don't think it's worth it.

4. Focus more on dog related posts - Lets be honest a huge part of my life is my beautiful Molly and dogs in general. I want to include a lot more canine related posts on my blog as I feel it reflects who I really am.

5. Not be obsessively worried about my content - My content is what it is and I need to stop worrying that i'm not as good as everybody else. I am who I am and I need to feel alot more content with that and in turn that will filter down into the posts that I put up on my blog.

There we have it, five goals that I have for 2016 where my blog is concerned. I am hoping that by writing it out in this post it will inspire me everyday to keep to them and work on making my blog the place I  really want it to be.

I think it's about time to let me be me

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