Homemade Guacamole - Recipe

Guacamole Above

Let me just start by saying that eating is one of the greatest pleasures I have in life. I thoroughly enjoy food and especially finding things that are speedy to make and super delicious to enjoy.

Guacamole is one of things that I just love to eat. It is delicious as a dip, on crackers or just by the spoonful. It is a quick and easy snack that can be made in very little time.

I had a look online a while ago to see exactly what goes into guacamole and I found that it was very simple to make and you can add what you want to, so that it is just how you like it. I tend to add extras as I see fit when I am making it but the standard base ingredients as as follows:

Standard Base Ingredients

Avocado - I am using a half as it is just for me but use a whole one if you want it for more people
Tomatoes - As many as you wish to use, I am going to use three or four cherry ones
Red Onion - I am going to use a quarter but again adjust for your needs
Chilli - Whichever colour, as much or as little as you want - or none at all if you don't like spice
Lime Juice - Some put in a splash, I like quite a bit
Seasoning - Salt and pepper

Extra Ingredients - If I Take The Notion

Garlic - Sometimes I add garlic and sometimes I don't it just depends if i can be bothered
Honey - A squeeze of honey can add that subtle sweetness which I love my snacks to have sometimes
Ginger - I love the taste of ginger and the heat that it can give so sometimes I add a small amount


The great thing about guacamole is that it can be made in a blender, food processor type item. Or it can simple be put together with a bowl and a fork - it all depends on how much washing up you are prepared to do. If I am using garlic and a blender I just chop it up roughly but you may want to use a garlic press if you are using the fork option.

1. Chop the avocado, tomatoes, onion and chilli. 
2. If you are using a blender pop them all in and give them a gentle blitz. If you are using a fork mash the avocado to a consistency that you like.
3. Add in the tomatoes, onion and chilli, along with the salt and pepper. Blitz or use your fork/stir.
4. At this stage I would add the extra ingredients if I was using them and the lime juice. Continue to blitz with the blender or again fork/stir.
5. Taste the mixture and add more of anything you think you haven't put enough of in.


There we have it a quick and simple recipe that allows you to have a beautifully healthy and enjoyable snack in seconds. I think this is worth giving a try.

Top Tip

- As long as you are going to be using the avocados for guacamole or mashing on toast they can be frozen hole. Simple take off the skin and remove the stone, pop into a freezer bag and there you have it. You can take it out whenever you fancy making this.
- Garlic, ginger and lime juice can also all be frozen. My mum has written a great post about some of these items. so check that out for more information.

What snacks do you like to make?

Food, Glorious Food

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