My Make-Up & Beauty Goals For 2016

Make-Up & Beauty Goals 2016

A brand new year is here and with it comes the traditional resolutions. I'm not really a fan of 'resolutions' as I think it puts unnecessary pressure on us all to stick to them. I'd rather call them goals and work throughout the year to complete them.

I have already laid out my blogging goals for 2016 and that got me thinking of what other areas I had goals for. Being a massive lover of all things beauty and make-up related I thought that it would be a great idea to lay out my make-up and beauty goals for 2016.

Wash My Make-Up Brushes More  - If there is one thing that I struggle with is having a regular schedule to wash my make-up brushes. I always say i'm going to do it and then I never seem to get around to it. This year I want to stick to a schedule of deep cleansing and spot cleaning my brushes more often.

Keep Up With A Proper Skincare Routine - This is something that I have always been awful at. Having a skincare routine is something I seem to be good at for a few weeks and then I just forget all about it. This year I want to have the right products at my disposal to be able to exfoliate and moisturise my skin daily - Keep an eye for a new skincare products post coming soon.

Have A Make-Up Clear Out - I am such a hoarder of make-up. I can't help it I just always want to hold on to the things I buy even if I haven't used them in years. I feel that this year will be a good year to have a massive clear out and make room for some new pieces that I might pick up this year.

Take A Break From Wearing Gel Nail Polish - Since owning my own gel nail kit it seems that I have become obsessed with wearing gel nail polish. As great as this is as my nails always look pretty and shiny, I do feel that I need to learn to take a break from it sometimes and let my nails breathe and heal.

Remove Fake Tan Properly - I love to wear fake tan but I really don't like scrubbing it off. I usually just let it fade away and when it gets particularly patchy I will scrub those areas until they are clean. This just can't continue! I need to learn to take it off as effectively as I put it on.

Take My Make-Up Off At Night - This is something I have never been very good at. I am always so sleepy and lazy at night that I just never bother to take it off. I have slept in my make-up for years and it seems like a pattern I am unable to break. This is the year however, I am determined that I am going to start a new habit and help my skin breathe more.

Experiment With Eyeshadow Looks - I always tend to lean towards the same look, a brighter inner lid with browns or blacks on my outer v. I was hoping this year to be brave and try some new looks, maybe some new colours. We will have to see how I get on.

So there we have some of my make-up and skincare goals for this year. What are yours?

Time to start as I mean to go on

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