Soap & Glory Face Soap & Clairty


Soap & Glory Facewash

So if you have seen my 2016 Make-Up and Beauty Goals post you will be aware that I wanted to start - and keep up with - a proper skin care routine. 

Things Thursday #20


Things Thursday #20

Number 20 in  my Things Thursday series :)

Homemade Guacamole - Recipe


Guacamole Above

Let me just start by saying that eating is one of the greatest pleasures I have in life. I thoroughly enjoy food and especially finding things that are speedy to make and super delicious to enjoy.

7 Things 101 Dalmatians Taught Us


101 Dalmatians

There is something about this movie that makes me happy - although it has to be said watching it with Molly in the room has become a complete nightmare, she barks at all the puppies constantly and it makes viewing particularly difficult!

10 Things My Best Friends Have Taught Me


What I have learnt from my best friends

We all say it and we are all right, we all have the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for.

New Skincare Bits & Bobs


New skincare bits and bobs

It's a new year and I have set some goals - one of these being to keep up with a skincare regime.

Things Thursday #19


Things Thursday #19

Number 19 in my Things Thursday series,

5 Lessons About Life I've Learnt From My Family

Life Lessons My Family Taught Me

Life lessons, we all learn them, Some people learn them through certain situations but me, I am lucky enough to have learned many of them from my family.

7 Things 3 Men and A Baby Taught Us


3 Men & A Baby
I love the movie 3 Men and A Baby. It is the quintessential classic kind of movie that can cheer you up no matter what mood you are in.

It's Okay To Say No


It's Okay To Say No

I don't know about you but to me it seems that there is so much pressure surrounding us all in this day and age. We can feel that we need to please those around us most of the time and sometimes it can be hard to keep up with everything.

My Top Tips For Flying Solo

Tips For Flying Solo

Flying can be a complicated and lets face it, really stressful experience.

Things Thursday #18


Things Thursday #18

Another Thursday is here and that means another Things Thursday. I really enjoy writing these types of posts so I hope you are still enjoying reading them.

Things I Want To Tell My Younger Self


Things I Would Tell My Younger Self

These are some of the things that I would tell my younger self if I had the chance.

7 Things Toy Story Trilogy Taught Us


Toy Story Trilogy

I have loved Toy Story since I was little - I find it so hard to believe that the first one came out twenty years ago!! 

What's New In My Make-Up Collection


New In My Make-Up Collection

I was one lucky girl this Christmas and among my many amazing gifts I found that I had received a Boots Voucher.

My Make-Up & Beauty Goals For 2016


Make-Up & Beauty Goals 2016

A brand new year is here and with it comes the traditional resolutions. I'm not really a fan of 'resolutions' as I think it puts unnecessary pressure on us all to stick to them. I'd rather call them goals and work throughout the year to complete them.

Things Thursday #17

Things Thursday #17
Welcome to number 17 in my Things Thursday series.

Top Tips For Revising In January


January Revision Tips

I was a student once and one of the hardest things that I always found was getting around to revising for those January exams.

7 Things Monsters Inc & Monsters University Taught Us

Monsters Inc & Monsters Uni

It may be a new year and a time for some new post ideas but I really love writing these '7 Things' posts so I thought that I would continue with a few more in this series.

Surviving January


Surviving January

January can be one of those months that feels like it is going to stretch on forever.

My Blogging Goals For 2016


Blogging Goals 2016

Well, where did that last year just go? Can you believe that we have left 2015 behind and are now in 2016?