Random Questions About Me


Facts about me

Today I thought I would do something random and fun so I have decided to answer some random questions about me :)


1. Thing you cannot leave the house without? - My phone!

2. Favourite brand of makeup? - I don't think I have one - I use Rimmel quite regularly though.

3. Favourite Flowers? - Daisies - they are the cheeriest of all the flowers.

4. Favourite clothing stores? - I don't think I have a favourite but Primark is amazing.

5. Favourite perfume? - This changes all the time but Lady Million or Gucci Guilty are two I need in my life.

6. Heels or flats? - Depends where i'm going but I do love my heels!

7. Do you make good grades? - Well I have a first class degree so I would say so :)

8. Favourite colors? - Grey and blue :)

9. Do you drink energy drinks? - Yes! Usually Boost.

10. Do you drink juice? - Fruit Juice? Yeah I do :)

11. Do you like swimming? - Yes I love swimming :)

12. Do you eat fries with a fork? Depends where i'm at but not usually.

13. Whats your fav moisturizer?- Boots No7 Day Moisturiser :)

14. Do you want to get married later on in life? - It would be lovely to know somebody loves you so much they can't imagine life without you.

15. Do you get mad easily? - Stupidity really makes me mad!

16. Are you into ghost hunting? - Not at all!

17. Any phobias? - Ketchup, I just freak out when it's near me.

18. Do you bite your nails? - No, I love a nice manicure.

19. Have you ever had a near death experience? - I was in a car accident but I didn't really get hurt so apart from that I would say no!

20. Do you drink coffee?  - I never used to but I do now :)

A Few Facts To Start The Day