Doesn't everyone have go to smells of the moment? We all take notions with scents we like depending on the mood and the moment we are in. I find myself reaching for three perfumes over and over again on a regular basis making them the smells of the moment for me - lets see who made the coveted top spots from my perfume shelf.
1. Lady Gaga - Eau De Gaga
As soon as I smelt this scent I fell in love with it. It is credited as being a unisex fragrance and it is so easy to see why. It has the earthy tones that you would expect from an aftershave but the fresh light notes you would expect from a feminine fragrance. It isn't an overly heavy fragrance despite being wearable for both men and women but it lingers for quite a while throughout the day which I really like. I could not recommend this fragrance enough as it just smells great.
2. Cheryl - Storm Flower
Lots of scents that are released by big celebrity names fail to live up to the hype - this one however, is not one of those. This scent is simply stunning. I am not usually one for floral scents as I usually prefer fruity, citrus type ones but it's hard not to be captivated by the scent that Cheryl has put together. For me this scent is perfect for day or night and will have people asking what you are wearing.
3. Next - Sparkle Eau De Parfum
I discovered this perfume around Christmas of 2014 when I was looking to repurchase the Milan scent from Next. It was unavailable so I decided to see what else Next has to offer as I am usually a fan of their perfumes - and they are so reasonably priced. This scent is very light and again has undertones of citrus - as this is the smell that tends to draw me in. There are slight hints of an earthy undertone but overall I feel that this is a very fresh and light fragrance that can easily be worn throughout the day.
Do you have a go to smell of the moment? Let me know - i'm always looking to discover new fragrances.