Everyone Has Pet Peeves - Right?


Pet peeves

No matter what we say or like to think we all have those things in life that drive us insane - our pet peeves. So I thought that as I put together a list of things that make me happy last week - which you can read here - this week I would put together a list of my pet peeves - the things that annoy me!

20 Of My Pet Peeves

1. Glasses not being filled to the top with a drink  - I don't know why but it drives me crazy.

2. Ketchup - I just can't stand the sight, smell, look, taste, really anything to do with the stuff.

3. When ice lollies break in half - nothing worse than eating a lolly and the top half falling off.

4. Extendable dog leads  - I just don't see the point.

5. Chipped finger nail polish - its like an OCD thing, I just can't cope with it.

6. Being too warm  - I can never get cooled down!

7. When my dvds won't play in the player  - why would they do that to me!

8. DVD discs not being straight in the box - again another OCD quality of mine!

9. Tripping over dog bones - they are literally everywhere in my house!

10. People who don't pick up after their dogs  - it's not hard it should go without saying!

11. When my roots grow out really badly - they are so blooming dark!

12. Flies - what even is their purpose in life?

13. When my nail polishes go gloopy - I never realise until it's too late.

14. The fact vanilla is in EVERYTHING - it makes me sick and it's everywhere!

15. Having over 800 channels on Sky yet there is never anything on  - how is that even possible!

16. People who are cruel to animals or other human beings - don't even get me started!

17. Rude people - there is just no need to be rude!

18. Wasting food - I get annoyed at myself when I can't finish a meal!

19. People giving me advice before they know what they're talking about - know the situation first!

20. People borrowing my DVDS and not giving them back - just means I never lend them to anyone!

What Are Your Pet Peeves?

What pet peeves do you have? We all have them, don't be shy :)