Nobody is perfect I think that's safe to say and we all fail at some things. Not necessarily big things or things that will affect our day-to-day lives but for me I tend to fail quite regularly in terms of make-up. There are just some things I should be doing that I don't and things I do sometimes that I should do more often. For this post I thought I would list some of those things and hopefully it will inspire me to turn my failures into things I do more often.
A Mug For Every Occasion
Following on from my post all about the teas that I currently like to drink - you can read that here - I felt that it was only fitting to carry on the theme with a post all about the mugs that I choose to drink it out of.
My Current YouTube Obsessions
Watching YouTube videos has to be my favourite pass time these days. There are just some people who I find so comforting to watch and I usually find myself watching every vlog the person has to offer. The people making these videos are so incredibly talented and put so much effort in to what they do I thought I would give you a quick run down of my top 5 of the moment.
What To Expect When Living With A Dog
Given that between my parents and myself we have four dogs of varying ages and sizes, I tend to find that my friends who don't have pets, or who are simply curious tend to ask me questions about what it's like to live with them, feed them, walk them and in general what is it like to have four canine friends in my life.
Travel Dreams - Washington DC
*Picture Taken From Stephen Fry's America Book*
Continuing on from last weeks travel dreams post - which you can see here - I wanted to tell you about another place that has made it on to my 'Travel Wish List' as I have taken to calling it. Next up is Washington DC - yes I am aware it is also in The United States but I have a fascination with the country being 2,680 miles wide how can you not be.
Easy Peasy Thai Noodle Soup
Sometimes there are those nights when all you want it something quick and easy, yet still good for you and great tasting. This is where my Thai Noodle Soup comes in handy. My mum originally found the recipe online somewhere but we have adapted it to suit our own tastes. That's what is so great about cooking - you can change it up and make it fit your personality.
Let's Talk Manicures
Lets face it us girls - and if we are honest some men out there - really do love a good manicure. Whether that be in the salon or the more purse friendly option of at home. I myself love having beautifully manicured nails that are neat and tidy as well as giving off a high shine gloss.
Sometimes You Just Need A Lazy Day!
The weekend has arrived- yay - and what better way to recharge the batteries so that you are ready for the next week, than having a really relaxing lazy day. Sometimes there really is nothing better than curling up and forgetting the busy world outside exists.
Quick Teatime Snack
There is something so inviting about Italian food. It brings together the things that make food so special to me, it looks fabulous, smells fantastic, tastes phenomenal and the best part for is that it isn't always overly difficult to recreate at home. Recently I have been having a craving to try gnocchi again - one that didn't have a filling - and this week I finally cured it.
Everyone Has Time For Tea, Right?
It's my opinion that everybody should have time for tea. Now I know some of you are going to immediately want to inform me that you just don't like tea and that's okay - I however, have developed what some would call an addiction to tea.
Travel Dreams - New York
Haven't we all had a dream about travelling the world and filling our days with beautiful scenery, culture and landmarks? I know I have and I have a list of quite a few places that I would really love to visit.
Oops.. I Left My Make-Up On... Again.
So I have a confession to make - to be honest if you know me well you will know this anyway - but I have this ridiculously bad habit of not taking my make-up off at night. Yes I know what you are all thinking - what is wrong with me - but seriously this has become part of my everyday life. No matter how hard I try to keep a night time skincare routine going I just get too tired and lazy to be bothered - i'd rather do it in the morning.
Time For a TV Binge.
If there is something I love to do it's binge watch TV shows. I would rather save up a whole series and watch it in one go that keep up with it week to week. With this in mind I have put together a short list of some of my current TV obsessions. It's hard to narrow it down as I watch far too many TV shows than is good for me.
5 Things I Love About Summer
Summer has finally arrived - which is quite a statement to make when you are from Northern Ireland. Sunshine and happiness is not normally something that goes hand in hand with our climate but that being said, for the past few days it has been incredibly warm and the sun has been shining down all around us.
On that note I felt that I wanted to list my top 5 things I love about Summer.