Having very dry and sometimes sensitive skin can cause difficulty when looking for shower products. I was recently looking through the Superdrug aisles for something that I could use to soften my skin and I came across the Sanex Dermo Moisturising Shower Gel.
Why I Won't Miss Summer
October is nearly here and according to Google - my trusted friend - it is officially Autumn. There is that truly amazing period where it's not cold enough to be winter and not warm enough to be Summer - this is my favourite time.
7 Things Friends Taught Us
Friends was and still is iconic. Everybody knows about it and for me there were many life lessons to be learnt throughout the 10 seasons.
Myths About Rescuing A Shelter Dog
As with everything in life, rescuing a dog from a shelter comes with many myths and people who have their reservations. Today I am going to dispel some of these myths the best I can.
25 Things I Learnt From My Parents Marriage
Today my parents have been married for 25 years - making it their 25th Wedding Anniversary. This got me to thinking of the 25 things I have learnt from their marriage.
It's Okay...
Today I wanted to steer my posts in a slightly different direction - apologies if this isn't your thing.
Gel Polish Vs Regular Polish
If you are like me then you love nothing more than a beautiful, shiny, fresh manicure. For years I have been wearing normal polish that air dries and can be removed with a simple wipe of nail polish remover. However, over the past year I discovered the vast world of gel manicures and all they have to offer - and what can I say i'm in love!
Fashion Friday - New Wardrobe Addition
Everyone I know has a staple coat or jacket in their wardrobe that they can pull out on days when the weather is a little colder or they can wear all through Autumn - Fall - and into Winter. Me, on the other hand, well it seems that I am more of a hoodie girl who owns the heavy coats for those horrible winter days. All this changed however, when I spotted the ultimate leather - faux - jacket in Wallis.
Things Thursday #1
Everybody loves a list, right? I love reading a list as much as the next girl which is why Jemma from Dorkface inspired me to write posts in this style.
With that in mind, here are my top 'things' neatly set out in list form.
Ibiza Honey Tan - My Verdict