Things Thursday #22


Things Thursday #22

Number 22 in my Things Thursday series.

Things (Shows) I Loved When I Was Younger

1. The Chuckle Brothers
2. Tots TV
3. The Riddlers
4. ZZZap
5. Art Attack

Things (Swear Words) I Love To Say

1. Fuck
2. Shit
3. Wank
4. Bollocks
5. Knobhead

Things I Do To Relax

1. Have a bath
2. Colour in - adult colouring
3. Read a book
4. Drink a glass of wine - or maybe a bottle
5. Go for coffee with my friends

Things (Fruits) I Love To Eat

1. Strawberry
2. Raspberry
3. Oranges
4. Melon
5. Kiwi

There we have some more things for this week. Tell me things about your week :)

Some things are worth listing