Lets Have A Catch Up

Lets have a catch up

It has been a while since I sat down at my keyboard and just wrote a chatty catch up post. 
So that's exactly what I thought we could do today. Let's find out what's been going on.

Wisdom Teeth
I don't know about you but my wisdom teeth have been causing me more bother than enough. Things got so bad recently that I had to go to the dentist to get a bit of my top widsom tooth shaved off. Also, because I am me, and just so incredibly lucky I also had an infection that required ridiculously strong antibiotics which meant no drinking until I was finished them. I will say one thing I have never taken so many pain killers in all my life as I have with my bloomin' teeth!

I Finished A Book 
Last year I wrote a post about books that I haven't finished - read it here - and I have been annoyed at myself ever since. It's just ridiculous that I cannot finish the books I start. When the new year came around I decided that this was something I wanted to change and I did! I managed to finish 'The Fry Chronicles' and I have read almost 200 pages of his 3rd installment 'More Fool Me'. I am very happy with myself as you can imagine - lets not dwell on how pathetic I sound right now!

I Started Swimming Again
My mum and I used to swim once a week to help strengthen our joints - resulting in less pain - but this all stopped when Summer came around and we found it hard getting back into a routine. This has all changed in the past few weeks and we have started going once a week again. I am loving it, I feel sore after it but it is so worth it :)

General Mood
Generally everything has been pretty good with me. I am still job hunting - they just don't make it easy do they - but I am determined that it's going to happen this year and when it does I am still going to be keeping up with this beautiful little blog of mine. I love what it has become and the people I have gotten to know through it, it makes me very happy. 

I still cannot believe that people read my little blog and leave me comments. It all makes me so very happy and I read every single comment that is posted - I also reply to every single one. This space on the internet has become more than I could ever imagine and if there is anything you would like to see a post about please let me know :)

I think that's all for now but if there is more I will let you know :)

Always Time For A Catch Up

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