So, I may have stated at the beginning of this year that one of my beauty goals was to take my make-up off at night. What can I say, this is one habit that I am finding particularly hard to break - I am far too lazy for my own good sometimes.
Pets At Home Anti-Gulp Bowl - Review
Of all my Molly's amazing qualities there is one that she has that just isn't good for her. She eats far too quickly!
What Inspires Me
Inspiration is something that can come from anywhere, anyone and anything. I think that it can be found in the strangest of places and sometimes all we have to do is embrace what is going on around us in order to feel the inspiration.
Sanctuary Spa - Cleanse 5 Minute Thermal Detox Mask
As many of you may know one of my beauty goals for this year was to keep up with a skincare routine. In order to do this I bought myself some lovely new skincare products some of which I have reviewed already.
L'Oreal Infallible 24hr Matte Foundation
I have heard so much about this foundation - yes I know I am a little late to the game but better late than never eh? - and it made me want to take a trip into Boots and pick it up.
5 Bad Habits I Need To Change
Well what can I say we all have bad habits - or at least I hope we all do! Here are some I need to change.
Things Thursday #21
Welcome to number 21 in my Things Thursday series. I can't really believe that I have written 20 of these things already - but I have :)