Sometimes I Wish Molly Could Talk - The Five Things I'd Ask Her

Molly, Questions, Dog, Adjustments, Wonder

Have you ever looked at your pet and thought to yourself - I really wish you could talk to me and tell me what's going? I know this is something that I think about almost everyday with Molly, for many reasons, not just to simply ask her what shes thinking!

1. Why do you choose to sit on me? 
This is something Molly does without fail almost every day! She climbs up onto the stool in the kitchen where she thinks I can't see her and proceeds to make herself comfortable on top of me. I've always wanted to ask her why that is. Don't get me wrong, I love when she does it, to me it's a sign of true love but I have always wanted to hear her side of things!

2. What do you want from me?
For this question I guess it's like having a new born baby. Sometimes you just really don't know what they want from you. Molly can be so unsettled sometime and I would just love if she could tell me exactly what she wants. She's usually good at letting me know if she needs out or that but when all those avenues have been tried and she still seems like she needs something it can be frustrating not knowing what to do.

3. Why are my socks so entertaining?
There is not a single day of my life where Molly doesn't present me with one of my socks - or many of them. To be honest they don't even have to be my socks they could be anybodies from around the house. She carries them around and plays with them - it's why they all have holes in them now!! Why is this fun? I really don't think I will ever understand!!

4. Why does my sneezing scare you so much?
If anybody around Molly sneezes. even if she is asleep, she runs a mile. She will genuinely end up on the other side of the house to get away from it all. I have never known why this is. The other dogs sleep through these kinds of noises but not my Molly, it seems to freak her out and I have never known why but I would love to.

5. Why do you love me?
This last question is very selfish on my part but I have wondered since the moment I adopted her, why does she love me? She never leaves my side and is the most loyal companion i've ever known. I hope I do her the same justice in return but I have never really understood how one wee heart can love as much as hers can. I do wish she could tell me.

There we are, the five questions I would ask Molly if she could talk to me.

Have you ever wanted to ask your pet a question? I'd love to know what they are :)

If my dog doesn't like - there isn't much chance I will either!

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