Things Thursday #34


Things, Thursday, Suitcase, Lists,

Welcome to number 34 in my Things Thursday series. Hope you are having a great week :)

My Top Tips For Unwinding


Unwinding, Tips, Books, Reading, Relax, Destress

I don't know about you but sometimes the daily grind of life can feel very stressful and there are moments where you simply just need to unwind and relax. These are my top tips for unwinding after a long day or week for that matter.

£10 Exercise Leggings - Yes Please!


Exercise, Leggings, Gym, Asda, George, Workout, Ten Pounds, Pattered, Stretch

Let me just start by saying that I am not a gym or exercise bunny by any stretch of the imagination but I do like to wear exercise clothes because they are extremely comfortable.

I Finally Hopped on That Bandwagon - Nivea Post Shave Balm


Nivea, Post Shave Balm, Men, Primer, Make-Up, Skincare, Product, Review

For quite a while now I have been seeing everybody - and I am not exaggerating when I say everybody - in the beauty world, talking about how the Nivea Men Post Shave Balm was one of the best product to use as a primer.

Things Thursday #33


Molly, Things, Lists, Socks, Paws

Each week - or most weeks anyway - I write one of these 'thing' posts, which I really enjoy. I always worry however, that you lovely readers are going to get bored of the format so I was thinking that every few weeks I would write a long list rather than a series of lists with headings - what do you think?

Sometimes I Wish Molly Could Talk - The Five Things I'd Ask Her


Molly, Questions, Dog, Adjustments, Wonder

Have you ever looked at your pet and thought to yourself - I really wish you could talk to me and tell me what's going? I know this is something that I think about almost everyday with Molly, for many reasons, not just to simply ask her what shes thinking!

Things Thursday #32


Things, Thursday, Blue Skull, Skull, Books, Artistic

It's that time of the week again and by that I mean Thursday! You know what that means, it has to be time for a Things Thursday.

Seventeen Define & Conquer Contour Kit - First Impressions


Make-Up, Contour, Seventeen, First Impressions, Review

For quite a while now I have been lusting over this Seventeen Define & Conquer Contour Kit. I stopped myself from getting it for quite a while as I kept telling myself that I just didn't need it. This changed this weekend however, when I thought who cares if I don't need it, I want to add it to my collection.

Things Thursday #31


Things, List, Thursday, Seaside, Portrush, Northern Ireland

Welcome to another Things Thursday. Apologies that this one has gone up so late but adulting has definitely gotten in the way and I take my hat off to all those bloggers who post content everyday and work as well. I don't know how you girls do it!

Live Action Disney Movies I Love!


Disney, Movies, Live, Action, List, Watch

First off, I love Disney. It's such a magical world that I love to feel immersed in and for me the live action movies are as big a part of that magical feeling as the animations. I have quite a few Disney movies in my collection and these are just some of my favourites.

5 Things That Have Changed In My Twenties

Portrush, Northern Ireland, Boats, Peaceful, Changes, Twenties

It's hard to believe that I am now 24, where did the time form my 18th go - I can remember it like it was yesterday. Time seems to pass so quickly these days and inevitably things change. For me some things have definitely changed over the past six years - here are five of them.

Things Thursday #30


Molly, Bentley, Dog, Thoughts, Lists, Weekly

Can you believe this is the 30th post in this series? I want to thank all of you who have stuck around and read even one of these posts never mind 30 - it means so much to me. For this post instead of doing things within sections I would just write one list of various things that have come to mind this week.