I recently ran out of my Boots Time Delay Youth Maintain Serum, which as you can imagine I was very upset about. I did decide however, that I would use this as an excuse to try something new so I went off to Boots to see what they had.
Things Thursday #27
Well here we are it's Thursday again and you know what that means, it's time for another Things Thursday. I hope you have all had a great week and that you are looking forward to your weekend. Also, how cute is my Molly Dolly in that picture :)
Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner - An Oldie But a Goodie
A number of years ago when I was beginning my discovery into make-up -when Collection was still called Collection 2000- and the kind of look I liked to wear I had this Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner in my bag. I was young and naive as then I can remember thinking it was pretty rubbish and I never purchased it again!
My Scooby-Doo Collection and Why I Love It!
I have loved Scooby-Doo since I was a little girl. Mostly because my mum loved it when she was a little girl and she passed the love onto me. Even now that I am 24 years old, I still love it and often find myself watching the cartoon series over and over.
L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay To Spray Dry Shampoo - First Impressions
When I reviewed the L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay range previously, I had mentioned that I had yet to pick up the dry shampoo. Since then I found a great offer on this product in Superdrug and decided to add it to my basket.
Make-Up Revolution Fixing Spray Review
Looking around Superdrug for me can be a dangerous thing, especially when they have such good offers on quality brands. I recently talked about the Make-Up Revolution palette that I picked up and absolutely loved. The same day I also picked up their Pro-Fix Oil Control Fixing Spray.
Nivea Daily Essentials Express Hydration Primer
I don't know about you but it seems the beauty world has been going mad for the Nivea Men Post Shave Balm as an alternative for primer - since NikkieTutorials started the craze in 2015. I myself haven't hopped on the band wagon with this product but it has made me more aware of what to look out for in a primer.
5 Of My Favourite Disney Movies
Who doesn't love Disney? I know that I do and I recently decided that I wanted to start collecting more Disney DVDs for my collection. Starting with your most favourite movies is always the best place to start, so that's exactly what I did.
Having Some Fun In The Garden
I love spending time with my dogs and there is nothing they love more than running around after a ball. Sometimes, it can be impractical to get them out to the beach or on a forest walk so I take them out to our garden. We are lucky to have a long piece of grass which allows them to get all the exercise they need.