Boots Botanics All Bright Serum


Botanics, Radiance, Serum, All Bright

I recently ran out of my Boots Time Delay Youth Maintain Serum, which as you can imagine I was very upset about. I did decide however, that I would use this as an excuse to try something new so I went off to Boots to see what they had.

Things Thursday #27


Molly, Dog, Photography, Spaniel

Well here we are it's Thursday again and you know what that means, it's time for another Things Thursday. I hope you have all had a great week and that you are looking forward to your weekend. Also, how cute is my Molly Dolly in that picture :)

Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner - An Oldie But a Goodie


Collection, Extreme 24hr Felt Tip Liner, Eyeliner, Make-up

A number of years ago when I was beginning my discovery into make-up -when Collection was still called Collection 2000- and the kind of look I liked to wear I had this Collection Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner in my bag. I was young and naive as then I can remember thinking it was pretty rubbish and I never purchased it again!

My Scooby-Doo Collection and Why I Love It!


Scooby Doo, DVDS, Cuddly Toy

I have loved Scooby-Doo since I was a little girl. Mostly because my mum loved it when she was a little girl and she passed the love onto me. Even now that I am 24 years old, I still love it and often find myself watching the cartoon series over and over.

L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay To Spray Dry Shampoo - First Impressions


L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay To Spray Dry Shampoo, Hair

When I reviewed the L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay  range previously, I had mentioned that I had yet to pick up the dry shampoo. Since then I found a great offer on this product in Superdrug and decided to add it to my basket.

Make-Up Revolution Fixing Spray Review


Make-Up Revolution, Make-Up, Setting Spray, Pro-Fix, Oil Control

Looking around Superdrug for me can be a dangerous thing, especially when they have such good offers on quality brands. I recently talked about the Make-Up Revolution palette that I picked up and absolutely loved. The same day I also picked up their Pro-Fix Oil Control Fixing Spray.

5 Items From My Memories Box

Memories, Box, Personal

I don't know about you but I like to collect memories - maybe this makes me a hoarder - but I love looking back through all the years that have passed, whether it be good or bad things to think about.

Things Thursday #26

Things Thursday, Jewellery

Here we are, finally getting back to some sense of normality with number 26 in my Things Thursday series. Lets get into shall we...

Nivea Daily Essentials Express Hydration Primer

Nivea, Express, Hydration, Primer, Daily, Essentials, Skincare, Make-Up

I don't know about you but it seems the beauty world has been going mad for the Nivea Men Post Shave Balm as an alternative for primer - since NikkieTutorials started the craze in 2015. I myself haven't hopped on the band wagon with this product but it has made me more aware of what to look out for in a primer.

5 Of My Favourite Disney Movies


Disney, Movies, Classics,
Who doesn't love Disney? I know that I do and I recently decided that I wanted to start collecting more Disney DVDs for my collection. Starting with your most favourite movies is always the best place to start, so that's exactly what I did.

Having Some Fun In The Garden

Molly 4
Molly and Bentley 6
I love spending time with my dogs and there is nothing they love more than running around after a ball. Sometimes, it can be impractical to get them out to the beach or on a forest walk so I take them out to our garden. We are lucky to have a long piece of grass which allows them to get all the exercise they need.

A Beautiful Day at The Beach


Portrush Beach 1