Instagram - To Theme Or Not To Theme

Instagram, Theme, iPhone, Pictures

A little while back I became aware of the idea that people had been implementing the idea of Instagram 'Themes'. It's something that I have been trying to understand more and really I wanted to establish if it was something that I should, or maybe shouldn't do myself.

What Is An Instagram Theme?
Well from what I have been able to gather an Instagram theme is simply when all of your pictures have intentional similarities and are very consistent in layout and colour scheme. The idea is that when somebody glances at your feed, it looks instantly good, even without focusing on a single image. Now, I don't know about you but this is something that I have never really thought about. I tend to post to Instagram the things that make me happy, but recently, I have been thinking that to attract followers for my blog, this probably isn't the best approach.

What Kind Of Themes Are There?
Well a theme could be anything really, it could be that all of your images are taken on a crisp white background, or a blue background, or simply that you only post pictures of products taken as flat lays. Everything is very organised and structured, light, airy and of course very very clean looking. My Instagram tends to reflect me as a person, a little bit messy around the edges but the meaning is all there. I guess that's just how I like to be reflected!

Should I Really Care About A Theme?
There are mixed opinions about this question. I know that I don't really think about a theme when I go to put a picture on Instagram but recently I have been trying to be a little bit more consistent with how I go about edited each image that is on my feed. The thing I love most about this platform is that I can share the things I love. I see it as more of a reflection of my life, than I do a brand. Is that where i'm going wrong though?

Should Bloggers Have A Personal & Blog Account?
This is the one question I have been struggling with. I was considering starting a new account and focusing it solely on pictures for my blog. That way I could start with a particular theme and keep it that way. It would mean updating my blog to reflect my new account - which isn't too hard - and referring to it on social media links instead of my personal one. It all seems a little bit too much for something that I have always wanted to come across as fun and light hearted though, doesn't it!

I think it's important to put it out there that I don't follow people because their profile leaps out at me I like people because their content makes me smile. I tend to follow people who post about topics that I enjoy in my life, such as animals, make-up, food and really anything that takes my fancy. Themes don't play a huge part in what makes me follow a person so this is why I find it incredibly hard to conform to what everyone else is doing - I also like to be ever so slightly different.

Where do you stand on the theme issue? I don't think I will ever decide on what I want to do where themes are concerned.

To theme or not to theme

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