You Should Never Be Scared To Be You

Never Be Scared To Be You

Being who you are is very important - or at least I think it is anyway. It can be difficult to keep this mantra alive in the 21st century, as there are so many people out there determined to make you feel like who you are is not what is acceptable anymore.

I decided to put together a list of reasons why you should never be scared to be you!

1. If we were all the same life would be rather boring
Can you imagine if we were all the same, all had the same interests? Life would be incredibly boring and we would all have very little to talk about. Who you are and what you like makes you very interesting indeed.

2. More people like you than dislike you
It may not seem like it but I can promise you that there will always be more people who value who you are than dislike you. People think they are 'big' and clever from behind a keyboard but in reality they just want to be accepted too - we are all very similar in reality.

3. Being quirky is a good thing
Don't let anybody tell you that being quirky isn't a good thing. Of course it is! Quirks are the best part of everyone's personality. It allows us all to express who we really are and that can never be a bad thing.

4. Being a 'Dork' or 'Nerd' is a compliment to who you are
I don't know when these words suddenly became derogatory but to me they are compliments. Being smart but with interests in other areas, vast areas, such as comic books or Japanese characters - for example - is to me the best way to be. It shows that we are versatile, yet we know more than we are letting on, dark horses if you will. What could be better than that!

5. We are all special in our own way
We may not feel it but we are all special in our own way. It's the little things about who we are that makes us special. We are not defined by the things we do but rather who we are and that's what is most special of all!

To me these are 5 simple things that remind us that who we are is something we should never be scared to be. We all matter in our own way and we should never feel like we have to hide parts of our personality to make others like us more - if they don't like who we are then they aren't the kind of people we want around us. 

Do you have any advice for being who you are?

Love yourself no matter what

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