Things Thursday #25

Things Thursday #25

It's Thursday again and that can mean only one thing - another Things Thursday. It's number 25 in the series, can you believe we are at 25 already? Waow!

Things That Made Me Laugh This Week That Probably Shouldn't

1. Missy (one of our dogs) ripping open the packaging and stealing 5 cocktail sausages!
2. My mums face when she talks to our aunt who's pretty deaf these days!
3. Molly trying to jump up on the sofa from the side and missing completely.
4. Really bad jokes made by people who really aren't funny!
5. Remembering how my best friend and I had to wake up the ice cream man to get our ice cream!

Things That Sunny Weather Makes Me Want

1. Cold beer/wine/cider
2. BBQ's
3. Light lunches and dinner
4. Playing loud music in my car with the windows down
5. Eating ice cream and not shivering afterwards

Things I Wish I Was Better At

1. Posting stories/pictures/videos on Snapchat
2. Posting pictures on my Instagram
3. Posting pictures on Molly's Instagram
4. Taking nice flat lays
5. Using a diary/journal

Things I Would Love To Do But Don't Feel Brave Enough

1. Make and sell cards for occasions
2. Do a make-up course
3. Do a nail course
4. Set up a business of my own
5. Offer my website skills to people so I can keep learning

Tell me some things of your own from each category? 

Things everywhere, too many to mention

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