My Amazing £12 Trainers
I don't know about you but I have been wanting a really nice pair of trainers recently but I be-grudge paying a top brand ludicrous amounts of money for something I could probably find a lot cheaper in other places.
You Should Never Be Scared To Be You
Being who you are is very important - or at least I think it is anyway. It can be difficult to keep this mantra alive in the 21st century, as there are so many people out there determined to make you feel like who you are is not what is acceptable anymore.
Blogging 'Things' I Should Do But I Don't
I think it's safe to say that we all have pre-conceived ideas about what bloggers should and shouldn't be doing behind the scenes.
Things Thursday #25
It's Thursday again and that can mean only one thing - another Things Thursday. It's number 25 in the series, can you believe we are at 25 already? Waow!
L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay is Extraordinary
When I first heard about the L'Oreal Extraordinary Clay range I was very excited. The thought that there was a shampoo dedicated to someone with oily roots and dry ends was perfect for me as that's exactly what I have.
Superdrug Vitamin E Gentle Oatmeal Exfoliator
Whilst I was buying my Superdrug Vitamin E Dual Phase Cleansing Oil I also picked up their Gentle Oatmeal Exfoliator. I thought that I should add a gentle exfoliator to my skincare routine as my everyday face-wash is a 3 in 1 product and even though it does have exfoliation beads in it, there is no abrasiveness so dry patches tend to form on my skin from time to time.
Superdrug Vitamin E Dual Phase Cleansing Oil
The thought of cleansing oils has always excited me - I don't really know why they just have. I like the idea of covering my whole make-up heavy skin in an oil that will break it down so all I have to do is wipe it off.