5 Strong Women In TV I Admire


5 Strong Women In TV I Admire

If you watch a fair bit of television - as I do. Then it seems pretty safe to say that we all have characters that we admire. 

MUA Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter Review

MUA Undress Your Skin Shimmer Highlighter

Thursday Things #11


Thursday Things 11

Number 11 in my things Thursday series.

Quick But Yummy Snacks


Quick Yummy Snacks

There comes a point in the day when sometimes all you want is a snack that is quick and easy but is also particularly yummy. 

7 Things Elizabethtown Taught Us



I'm hoping you all have but i'm sure lots of you haven't heard of the movie Elizabethtown. This movie - I feel, although I am aware of many who disagree - is a perfect little slice of heaven - it has it all and I think you should all watch it to see just what i'm talking about.

Molly Update - 1 Year On


Molly - 1 Year On

This time one year ago - November 23rd 2014 - I brought home my little furry bundle who goes by the name of Molly. 

My GWA Experience


Oval Splash Nails

First things first this post is NOT sponsored I just had such fabulous customer service with GWA (Girls With Attitude) that I decided to let you all know about it.

Make-Up Revolution Ultra Face Base Foundation Review


Make-Up Revolution Ultra Face Base Foundation

I love trying out new foundations - I never tend to stick to the same ones over and over again as I always think there are new things out there for me to try. 
This was why when I saw the Make-Up Revolution Face Base Foundation at the amazing price of £3 I thought I would pick it up and give it a go.

Thursday Things #10


Things Thursday #10

Number 10 in my Things Thursday series.

What's On My Bedside Table


What's On My Bedside Table

It can always be interesting taking a look into people's lives and the little quirks they have. One of the quirkiest things about a person has to be what they keep on their bedside table. 

Looking Back - What I Miss About Uni (and my 100th post)


What I Miss About Uni

First things first let me start off this post by saying - it's number 100!! Can you believe it, i've written 100 posts and somehow people keep reading and commenting - it really is amazing :) Thank-you for all the support it means so much to me.

Now on with today's post :)

7 Things You've Got Mail Taught Us


You've Got Mail

I love You've Got Mail in fact I have written a post about how it can always brighten up your day. With this in mind I thought it would be fun to see the 7 things that we learnt from it.

Purple Shampoo - Old Tricks Amazing Results


Touch Of Silver

Having blonde hair requires a certain amount of maintenance, especially if said hair is somewhat dyed. You probably know - but then again maybe you don't - I have dyed blonde hair and the more I dye it the blonder it becomes.

Things Thursday #9


Things Thursday #9

Number 9 in my Things Thursday Series.

Books I've Started But Haven't Finished


Books I've Started But Haven't Finished

I love to read, I really do but I seemed to have developed this strange habit of starting a book and not having the time - or lets be honest the concentration - to finish it.