Number 8 in my Things Thursday series.
8 Things I Have Learnt From Owning A Dog
Owning a dog is a strange thing. From the outset it looks quite easy and straightforward and for the most part it is but let me tell you sometimes there are aspects to owning a dog that you are never quite prepared for. In some ways it's like having a little baby covered in fur and with a tail.
The Hair Tag
Although I haven't been tagged when I saw the hair tag on the Dorkface blog - which I am totally in love with by the way and if you haven't checked it out already then you definitely need too. My hair is something I really love so I thought this would be fun to do.
Schwarzkopf Blonde Ultime Hair Dye - Review
I have been going to get my hair coloured at my local hairdressers for a number of years now - probably about 10 years. I always loved how it turned out but because I only ever dyed it 3 times a year my roots began to get worse and worse. One day I picked up a box dye - around Summer 2014 - to help save some money and I haven't looked back since.
Elegant Touch - Metallic Giraffe Fake Nails
I recently came to the conclusion that I have been wearing gel nail polish on my nails for too long and that I needed to take a break. This being said however, I am never a fan of having bare nails. I thought that it would be nice to give my nails a break - sort of - and apply some lovely fake nails.
Tuesday Chit Chat
As you can probably tell this post hasn't gone up in its usual 10am slot because there wasn't anything I felt that I wanted to put up today. I then thought that it would be quite nice to do a little chit chat post and let you know what's been going on with me recently.
The Autumn/Fall Tag
I have been tagged by Simone over at The Tales of BeautifulxImperfections to do the Autumn/Fall Tag. I have copied the questions from her blog and my answers are below.