Lets Have a Chat!

Flower, Photograph, Chat, Talk

Sometimes, I just want to sit down at my computer and talk to all you lovely people, who happen to grace this little corner of the internet with your presence. 

Today is one of those days, I just feel like typing away and having a chat - all be it this will be a rather one sided chat but it will be a chat, none the less. I feel like i'm going round and round in my own head about things, which I know and I will say this before I write anymore, these are not real problems compared to what's going on in the world but they are things that are affecting me, so I am allowed to share them - right?

So where do we start? Lets start with the obvious, why am I missing from the blog more these days than I used to be. There isn't really an exact answer for this other than I am genuinely creatively uninspired and I don't really know how to fix it. I have taken some time off and it hasn't kick started it so I am thinking that a revamp of my blog might be the right place to go looking for my inspiration again. I have an idea of what I want it to look like in my head but there is just one problem - I want to code it all myself and i'm in a place where I don't know where to begin!

Not writing posts and keeping this little space I have created up-to-date makes me sad! I love writing post, it makes me happy -or it used to anyway- but recently everything I write makes me feel like I am boring the people reading it. I know i'm not -or I hope i'm not- but I just can't shake the feeling. I know I want to keep writing posts, I guess I just don't know what I want to write about anymore.

I think I really need to go back to the drawing board and get myself some sort of structure to work with, although this idea has its flaws with me as well, as I like the spontaneity of posting the things I like or want to, whenever I want to, or like.

I know there isn't a specific answer to any of these issues that are swirling around my brain at the moment but I wanted to get them down so when I have finally kicked this funks ass, I can look back and see how far i've come. In the meantime, thank-you all for sticking around through, this phase of me losing my purpose on here, it will be back and hopefully soon.

Have you had a creative rut? How did you get out of it?

I will get out of this somehow 

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