Now if you know me, then you will know that I have a weakness for eyeshadow palettes. Especially, those by Urban Decay. I have three of their palettes and I totally adore each and every one. This being said however, I do find it hard to justify paying the hefty price tag that comes with these palettes sometimes. This is when I go out on a quest to my local Boots or Superdrug to try and find some cheaper alternatives.
The Ultime Urban Decay Dupe!
Now if you know me, then you will know that I have a weakness for eyeshadow palettes. Especially, those by Urban Decay. I have three of their palettes and I totally adore each and every one. This being said however, I do find it hard to justify paying the hefty price tag that comes with these palettes sometimes. This is when I go out on a quest to my local Boots or Superdrug to try and find some cheaper alternatives.
The Dog Friendly Habits I've Developed
Owning a dog means many different things to many different people. For some people their pet is simply that, a pet. For me on the other hand, my dog is my baby. She is like my child and I treat her with all the love and kindness I can manage. I know that for some people the way I interact with my dog can be ridiculous but it suits us and our lifestyle and to be very honest with you all, I wouldn't change it for the world.
L'Oreal Pure Clay Detox Mask
It seems that the power of clay seems to be taking over the new products being released from L'Oreal at the moment. I have already tried their clay hair care range, which I totally fell in love with so it would make sense that the same would happen with their clay skincare range, right?
Friday Favourites - Edition 2
Welcome back to edition two of my Friday Favourites. If you missed the first one, you can read it here. I hope you all have a glorious bank holiday weekend and enjoy every second of it, no matter what it is you are doing :)
My Top 5 DVDs Of The Moment
I love collecting DVDs and watching them over and over again - to me it really never does seem to get old. Infact, it's become quite a hobby of mine - I organise them and have them in a certain order, I really am an obsessive. Having such a large collection -it's at a few hundred currently- means that it can be hard to pick what I want to watch. It does however, mean that I have various DVDs that I tend to come back to again and again.
Collection Naturally Matt Foundation - My Thoughts
I have gone back and forth with writing this review, as it's not going to be a glowing report. Sometimes I feel bad that I can't say good things about every product I try, but lets be honest - we don't all like everything that we try.
Lets Have a Chat!
Sometimes, I just want to sit down at my computer and talk to all you lovely people, who happen to grace this little corner of the internet with your presence.
Friday Favourites - Edition 1
It's Friday - does a little dance for joy - that means the working week ends tonight and I can have a lie in tomorrow. It also means I am trying out a new post idea. I have been doing Things Thursday for a while but it was beginning to get a little repetitive. I thought that I would mix things up and do something on a Friday instead.
Am I Sticking To My Beauty Goals?
It's not often I make goals in the new year for myself, as i'm not that kind of person. I tend to like to make continuous goals throughout the year, but this year was different. I set myself some beauty goals for the year and I thought as we are now eight months in -that alone is scary in itself if i'm being honest- I would take a look and see if I have stuck to them, or not as the case may be.
20 Things You Didn't Know About Molly
Recently I was reading through some of my favourite blogs and I came across a great post by Danielle over at Underland to Wonderland. Her post was all about her beautiful dog Baker and getting to know him a little better. I have to say as I am a huge dog lover - not sure if you noticed- I found this post to be a great inspiration and decided to put some facts together about my beautiful Molly. I have done one in the past but this is a more updated one.