Friday Favourites - Edition 3


Friday, Favourites, Thought, List, Memories

Can you believe we are here at Friday again? It's hard to think that we are in September already but I am embracing it. I much prefer the autumnal weather, I guess I just like wearing big fluffy jumpers too much. If you missed last weeks favourites or just want to read it again click here,

*Favourite Moment
Well it has to be when I was given the skull necklace that is in the picture. It is something that I have been sharing over my social media for weeks and my dad went and got it for me. I couldn't be happier, it's really everything that I want from a necklace. It's huge and has skulls - I am one happy girl.

*Mollys Favourite Moment
That's quite easy. My mum has spent the last couple of weeks knitting my beautiful four legged baby a new jumper. She loves wearing jumpers and gets very excited when she see's me about to put one on her. This one is purple and the shape suits her so well. She looks so very cute. I will be either taking pictures of her in it to put on her instagram (@theplayfulspaniel) or putting her on my snapchat. 

*Favourite Achievement
I have managed to go to a spin class, swim and visit the gym this week. For somebody who doesn't usually exercise at all - walking from the car is usually quite enough - this is a huge achievement for me. My best friend is keeping me motivated and I am enjoying it.

*Favourite Movie
This week I discovered the wonder that is Notting Hill. I have no idea why I have never watched it before but it really is such a beautiful movie. It makes me very happy to watch and I am so glad that it is now a part of my permanent collection.

*Favourite Thing That Happened
Out of nowhere my inspiration has returned and I created a September spread for my bullet journal including a water tracker and a workout chart. I am so pleased that I am getting back into it and I have let go of the strict rules I applied to myself and i'm just having some fun.

*Least Favourite Thing This Week
Daddy long legs - where are they coming from. I have had more in my room over the past few nights that I have seen in my life. I know most people don't even hear them but my hearing is so good that all I can here is them fistling against my ceiling and it really does drive me insane.

That draws me to the conclusion of another favourites - with one not so favourite in there this week.
Tell me some of your favourites.. I love to hear them :)

Every week is special if you take the time to look