Bullet Journal - Here's How I Do It This September


Bullet Journal, Journal, Personal, Lists, Diary, Memories, Notes

The bullet journal is an idea that has fascinated me since I first started reading about it. I have this deep seeded want within me to be very organised and neat - unfortunately, I don't think it will ever happen but it doesn't mean I can't hope. I still watch people like Anna and hope that I can get my shizz together enough to be as organsied as her.

I thought a good place to start would be with a bullet journal, give myself somewhere to record what i've been upto like a memory dump but also allow me to organise my thoughts. I have to say I have been in and out of love with this. I think I am too hard on myself to be creative - something that may be touched on in a later post. 

My mum is always telling me that I am creative in my own way, with my computer or in how I style my blog pictures but sometimes I wish I could sit down and doodle nice headings for my bullet journal without them looking a mess. I guess I can draw but I think it all oils down to the fact I am extremely hard on myself for no real reason whatsoever.

Bullet Journal, Journal, Personal, Lists, Diary, Memories, Notes

Back to the bullet journal, I can get off topic sometimes. When I knew I wanted to start one I also knew that I didn't want to spend lots of money on fancy notebooks and pens, I wanted to use what I had. Most people have been going for the dotted journals but I decided to use the book that I already had that is just a standard lined notebook - nothing wrong with being different, eh!

When I first set my journal up I added pages for future events, books I want to read/finish, movies & tv shows I want to watch/finish and then I jumped into my daily logs and monthly overviews. After a couple of months of using the journal the same way, I just fell out of love. It wasn't what I wanted it to be anymore but I was scared of changing the pattern up in the middle of the journal but after advice from a few lovely bloggers, I finally decided to let go!

Bullet Journal, Journal, Personal, Lists, Diary, Memories, Notes

I tried to mix things up in August but as you can probably tell from the blog this just wasn't a good month for me in terms of motivation and creativity, I was in a pretty bad slump. September has now rolled around and I decided to give this new journal set up a proper go.

So what have I done? I added a water tracker to my monthly log page, where I jot down memorable things for the days that are coming up in that month. This is a little harder as I don't have an exact amount to consume but at least a litre and then I will colour in one of the swuares. I also really wanted to add a workout chart. I have recently started the gym as I have mentioned in one of my Friday Favourites, so I want to track the days that I go and what I do, so that I can look back and see how I have been getting on with it all. 

Bullet Journal, Journal, Personal, Lists, Diary, Memories, Notes

I also decided to change how I style my daily logs for this month. I normally did the date at the top of each box and underlined it - a habit I have been trying to get out of since I have left formal education but yano it's a hard one. I decided to write it neatly but free hand at the side of each box and take a colouring pencil and shade behind the text. I like this new simplistic approach. I have also decided to jot things down in coloured pens rather than black. The one thing I don't do is rule out every box for each day of the month - I still haven't gotten to that point of being able to do it all at once. Don't wanna waste the pages in case the magical motivation leaves me again.

Bullet Journal, Journal, Personal, Lists, Diary, Memories, Notes

So far I am feeling good about my new apparoach to my bullet journal. It is helping to make me feel a little bit freer with my thoughts and lifting the weight of expectations I put on my own shoulders. Hopefully I can keep up with it all as I am excited to look back on my journal at the end of the year and see where I have come with it all.

Journals are a place for your daily memories!