Okay, so this post has the strangest title as I am sure you are aware but if you know me then you know when it comes to DVD's I am a very strange person indeed. How can you be strange about DVDs I hear you ask? Well let me tell you.
1. The Discs Have To Be Straight In The Boxes
This is something that drives my mum to distraction. I will always sit and straighten every disc in every DVD box, no matter how long it takes me. I don't know what it is but I just can't have them askew, it makes me feel weird. It's straight and that's that!
2. Certain DVDs Have To Stay Together
All my Disney DVDs have to stay together and they also have to be in a certain order but I like to keep certain genres and actors movies in a group so that when I take a notion they are all there together. An example of this is my collection of Liam Neeson movies, they are all together in a group so that when I want to watch the great man I know exactly where to go.
3. I Never Lend Them Out
I know this makes me sound selfish but it really is true. I never lend my DVDs out because I am very protective over them. I and my family spend a lot of money on my collection to grow it and included the titles that I love the most. I have been bitten too many times in the past where my discs get scratched or even to the point where they aren't returned. I just can't bear to let people borrow them.
4. If I Start Watching a Series I Have To Finish
This is one of my strange habits that I even find annoys myself. If I start a series box set I won't start another one until it's finished. I have been making my way through House for quite a few months now but I won't let myself watch anything that is longer than one series or a movie until I finish. It's annoying isn't it!
5. At One Point I Owned Two Sets of Friends DVDs
I started collecting Friends DVDs back when it was originally released in the purple DVD boxes. I wasn't able to buy all the series at once so they began to change to the sets that spelled Friends up the spine of the boxsets but as I didn't have all the same packaging mine didn't and I was not too happy about this. My auntie then bought me all ten series in a beautifully neat white box. I realise I sound like a crazy person but having all my DVD seasons match, made me very happy.
6. I Keep an Amazon Wishlist for DVDS
I couldn't possibly keep track of all the DVDs that pop into my head at random times of the days - there are quite a few. So I find it much easier to keep an Amazon wishlist. Having this list means my family never have to ask me want I want for Christmas or birthday's, it really is rather handy.
So all in all, I think we can establish that I am a rather strange soul when it comes to my DVD collection. We all have our little quirks and I guess this is mine.
Do you have any strange habits?