It's been a while since I have reviewed anything beauty related on this blog but I could not wait to tell you all about a little gem that I happened to pick up when I was looking through the shelves of Superdrug for a new moisturiser.
Now, I don't know about you but I am the kind of person who loves to have soft smooth skin but I always find it such a hassle putting on body creams after a bath or shower. This was why I was intrigued when I came across Nivea In-Shower Body Moisturiser Skin Conditioner.
I picked up the 220ml bottle with almond oil for dry skin. This is because my skin has a tendency to be very rough and I have lots of dry patches which can be very irritating.
At first I was incredibly skeptical as to how a product which for all intents and purposes was a shower cream could moisturise my skin when I was finished in the water. This being said however, I was pleasantly surprised to find that this product does in fact work!
The Product
The product itself is very thick and luxurious white cream when it comes out of the bottle - being totally honest, I was surprised at just how thick it was. It reminded me of the consistency you would expect from a standard body cream with the only real exception being, that it doesn't sink in when rubbed onto the skin.
It has a pleasant smell which was not off putting at all. It felt rather odd when I was slathering it over my body - the colour remained the same but it was slippery to the touch.
Once rinsed off I was concerned that there would be a greasy residue but there was nothing. I simply dried off my skin and got dressed.
How Did It Feel?
I was very surprised my skin was silky and smooth like I had put cream on after my shower. Even today as I write this post which is a day since I have used the product my skin still feels soft and silky. There was no sticky residue so getting dressed immediately after my shower was not a problem. All in all I was very impressed!
Final Verdict
Overall I was very impressed with this product. It did exactly what it said on the bottle and for this I was extremely happy. It is perfect for those who have tight schedules and time restraints but still want to take care of their skin. I would highly recommend this to all.