First Car's First CD!


Exciting news... I bought myself a little car - she's called Carrie!! I am a little late to this driving game as you can see as I still have L plates up but all being well I will have my test soon enough. Anyway, whilst i'm learning I am still able to drive my new baby as long as somebody qualified is with me and this meant that I needed some good music to make the journeys more exciting.

So for this post I thought I would go through some of the tunes I decided to put on a CD that I could play in my car.. I have quite a mixture on there which is why I thought it would be interesting.

The Track List

1.  Not Afraid - Eminem (

There is something about Eminem that I just love. Compared to a lot of other rap artists I find that his
rap style is more lyrical than others. It makes me want to sing along and I thought it would be the
perfect song to start off my CD!

2. Love The Way You Lie - Eminem Feat. Rihanna (

Again this is another Eminem song and as before the man just has an ability to write a good song. I have loved this song since it was first released - I love rapping (or attempting to) along to his parts and singing Rihanna's parts. Just an all round good song!

3. I'll Be - Edwain McCain (

This is a song that I first heard when I watched A Cinderella Story. I fell in love with it immediately. If you haven't heard this song I would recommend that you click the link I have provided above. It is beautifully written and is in between being slow and too fast.

I know there are some people out there who don't like Adele and her music and to be honest sometimes, I myself, am in that category but I feel this is one of the best songs to be written for a movie in a long, long time. It is just a song that I never get tired of hearing.

5. Take Over Control - Afrojack Feat. Eva Simons (

So far this CD has been a little on the more mellow side of life so I decided to throw in something more upbeat. This song takes me back to my partying days at Queens. It was one of those songs that could always get me in the mood for a night out no matter what. 

Following on from the same theme as before this is another one of those songs that can put you in a good mood - even if you are in the frame of mind where you think nothing is going to improve your mood. I can imagine myself driving along with my friends and this tune belting out in the background.

7. I'm In Love - Alex Guadino (

Again I wanted something that was going to lift my spirits if I was having a down day, or simply a song that would sound great with a backdrop of sunshine and friends. I think this song fits that perfectly.

8.  Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus (

When this song was first released I listened to it on repeat for weeks. I don't know what it is, it's not the greatest song that has ever been written and it certainly cannot be put into the category of a classic but I just find it soothes my soul. I can belt it out and I just enjoy it thoroughly.

9. Candy - Aggro Santos Feat. Kimberly Wyatt (

When I was going through my iTunes making this CD I decided to look at tracks that I hadn't listened to in a while or I had totally forgotten about. This happens to be one of those songs. It falls into the category of I don't know why I like it but I just do!

10. Time - Chase & Status (

I was first introduced to this song by my ex-boyfriend and I instantly fell in love with it. It's up tempo but at the same time manages to have a slightly sad note to it - I seem to relate better to songs with a more sorrowful theme to them.

I'm not usually the biggest fan of Cher Lloyd but I just love this song. Yet again it has a darker side and has quite sad, thoughtful lyrics - can you see a theme emerging?

12. She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) - David Guetta Feat. Sia (

When I was on placement during my third year of university this used to be the song that I would listen to when I was walking home from work. It holds great memories of time gone past which is why i felt it deserved a place on this CD.

13. I Spy - Get Cape Wear Cape Fly (

If you haven't heard this song please go and click on the link above so that you can listen immediately. It is truly wonderful. It's neither fast or too slow it's just right. The lyrics are beautiful and it makes for a really great listen.

14. The One That Got Away (Acoustic) - Katy Perry (

I choose the acoustic version as I prefer it to the original. I feel that this version is much more raw, real and you can really get the true meaning of what she is trying to portray with her lyrics.

15. Teenage Dream - Katy Perry (

Teenage Dream is one of those songs that reminds me of days full of sunshine and nights full of partying and fun. It makes me happy and therefore, it had to be on my cars first CD!

Don't ask me why - I know lots of people probably cannot stand this song but I like it in the background. I find it soothing or something to that affect.

17. Tainted Love - Marilyn Manson (

Not my usual genre of music to listen to but i've liked this song for so long now it seemed silly not to add it to this random collection of music.

18. Blow Me Away - Breaking Benjamin (

Breaking Benjamin are a great band. I'm not sure how often this song will get listened to as it will depend who's with me and what mood i'm in but it is still a great song.

19. Good Time - Owl City Feat. Carly Rae Jepsen (

Owl City make the kind of music that make me happy. All I want to do is sing along with all the windows open and the sun shining. 

20. Hot Air Balloon - Owl City (

I picked this song for the same reason as I picked the one above. I do love Owl City :)

21. Go Mr Sunshine - Remi Nicole (

I can remember listening to this song during the school summer holidays with my best friend. We would dance along, sing our hearts out and generally have a great old time.

22. Whenever, Wherever - Shakira (

This song reminds me of my mum. I can remember her telling me she liked this song when I was still at school and I have loved it ever since. She is a named driver on my car so I thought it only fair there be something she likes on the CD as well.

23. It Wasn't Me - Shaggy (

What is there not to like about this song. It is catchy, filled with humour and you can sing along even if you are unsure of the words. What could be better for car journeys

24. Paradise City - Slash Feat. Cyrpus Hill & Fergie (

I have always been a fan of the original Guns & Roses version of Paradise City but once I heard this remix I just thought it was impossible not to like. It makes the perfect end to my random collection of car music :)


So there we have it my wee Carrie has her first ever CD made by me. I can't lie I am rather excited to pass my test and drive her about myself. It's going to be simply amazing.

Music is Food For The Soul