Adopting Molly - 8 Months On!


A few days ago I realised that I have had Molly for 8 months - in a few days we will be entering our 9th month together. It was then that I came to the conclusion it would be a good idea to look back over the past months together and evaluate the start of our wonderful life together.

The Beginning

So lets start at the beginning. If you are new to this blog or simply need a reminder I adopted Molly on November 23rd 2014. She came from a local re-homing shelter in my area Causeway Coast Dog Rescue (CCDR)

There isn't a definitive reason as to why I wanted to adopt a dog, I just knew that my life was incomplete for some reason yet to be discovered. I have always wanted to have a dog I can call my very own. We have had family pets since I was born but they have never specifically been mine. Ever since I can remember I have had this ideal image in my head of my very own little fur-baby sleeping at the bottom of my bed, keeping an eye on me and protecting me when needed.

Why Molly?

So why did I choose Molly you ask? Well my very simple answer for that very difficult question is that she picked me - it was literally love at first sight. If you read my first ever post on this blog you will be able to get a more in depth feel of how much Molly really connected with me from the moment we first met each other.

How Has She Gotten On?

From the very moment Molly ran into my house she settled in. She immediately claimed her own space and possessions, whether that be in the bed, on the sofa or which toys she preferred out of the toy box. As you can see from the picture below her particular toy of choice is the black and yellow rope toy. I have never seen a dog with a toy obsession more than my little Molly.

We never looked back from that moment on. Molly fits into our family as a whole like she was the missing piece to the jigsaw all along. Not one member of my family doesn't love her - they all feel like they couldn't survive without her, like she has been with us for years rather than months. My mum coos over her like a new born baby and my dad is showing a soft, cute side that I never even knew existed in him. Very plainly, she brings out the best in each and every one of us and we obviously do the same for her as her tail never stops wagging and she never displays any kind of aggressive behaviour that would make us think she feels threatened.

She is by my side every second of the day - even as I write this she has her head nestled by my leg and is snoring away happy as can be. If I get up there she will be right behind me making sure either of us are never alone. She instantly knew that I was her mummy and that dedication to me hasn't faltered since.

Good Decision?

8 months have simply flown past. In reality if feels like i've never been without my baby girl. I know I sound overly gushy about a dog but she really is the missing piece to the puzzle that is my life. With my life being as complicated as it is at the moment I feel like she has helped me through the darkest hours - she just knows when I need a little nudge and a cuddle. She is simply amazing. I really cannot emphasise enough how much adopting a dog of my own has changed my life!

Would I Recommend Adopting A Pet?

YES!! If you love animals and think your life needs something special I can not recommend having a pet enough. Whether you are a cat, dog, rabbit, fish, whatever kind of person having an animal running around your home does nothing but enrich your life. 

Molly is my best friend - always there when I need her and even when I don't - not that that happens very often. The feeling I got by giving her a home is inexplicable, she needed a safe environment with unconditional love and that is what I gave her. What she gave me in return though cannot be put into words. 

8 months on I have the most loyal and beautiful friend I could have ever asked for. She lightens up each and every day from the moment she opens her eyes to the second she rests her head on the pillow to go to sleep. With each wag of her tail love radiates from her with no questions asked or requests made. She is an angel and I cannot image life without her.

My family has four paws and a tail