Disney Questionnaire :)


As I quite enjoy filling out questionnaires I thought I would do a Disney one. I hope you enjoy it :)

Also I am hoping to get some product reviews and Molly Dairy posts up soon :)

1. What is your favourite Disney movie?

Basil The Great Mouse Detective - this has to be my favourite Disney animated movie. I have always loved it and can remember watching it when I was a kid. It has always appealed to my love of detective shows.

2. What is your favourite live action Disney movie?

The Pirates of The Caribbean movies - it just has to be. I love each and every one but especially the third (At Worlds End). I find them charming, funny and just thoroughly enjoyable.

3. Who is your favourite heroine?

Pocahontas - she is an unconventional princess but she is the true definition of what a woman should be. She stands up for what she believes in - where she comes from and what she loves.

4. Who is your favourite sidekick?

Gurgi from The Black Cauldron - I love The Black Cauldron it is so different for a Disney movie but still truly magical. Gurgi is such a loving wee guy. He goes out of his way to do everything he can to help Taran.

5. What is your favourite family scene?

When Perdita and Pongo find their lost puppies and automatically adopt the ones the 84 other ones who need a home - I'm not sure if this is because I love dogs or family or both but it always melts my heart when the dogs are all reunited and start their long journey home.

6. Who is your favourite hero?

Robin Hood - he is simply a great guy. I have always loved Robin Hood and to me he is what being a hero is all about.

7. Who is your favourite villian?

Maleficent - after watching the movie Maleficent I have found a new love for this wonderful character. I can now understand why she is so villainous in Sleeping Beauty. 

8. What is your favourite Disney song?

There are many so many (I could probably do a whole post on Disney songs I love) Portabello Road - Bedknobs and Broomsticks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W_wE3Rdeeg) is just a happy song that always has me singing along and smiling.

9. What is the last Disney movie you watched?

Monsters University - although I know this is Pixar that still makes it Disney - right? :)

10.  What ending makes you the most sad?

Beauty and The Beast - when the Beast becomes a person it always makes me sad. I always liked him better as the Beast. Makes no sense I know but that is just what I always thought :)

Well there we are 10 questions all about Disney. I hope you enjoyed this and please let me know if you answer it yourself.

Remember - it all started with a dream and a mouse - Walt Disney