What's Going On?


First off, I want to apologise for my regular weekly posts not appearing this week but unfortunately I haven't been feeling too well and I didn't feel up to multiple posts. To compensate for this I thought I would take some time to tell you what's been going on with Molly and me recently.

So, I think I will start by saying that this kind of chatty post was inspired by the beautiful YouTuber Nikki Phillipi - check her posts out she really is an inspiration and a brilliant way to brighten up your day. She likes to update her followers everyday with small posts about her life and what's been going on that day and I thought that it would be a great way for me to keep posting on here when I don't feel up to the usual posts.

Update Time

What's been going on you ask? Well first off I have been having a really difficult time getting my health under control at the moment. Unfortunately one of the symptoms of having 'Joint Hypermobility Syndrome' is that you can also have IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome (pleasant I know). Due to me being, well me, I also have this and I can tell you that it is not fun in any shape or form. I thought I was getting it under control but the medication I take for my joints flared it up rather badly and I had to compromise and have sore joints to not have bad flare ups. 

I went back to the doctor and unfortunately I wasn't able to see my usual one. However, this doctor prescribed me some new tablets and they have just made everything worse again. So bad in fact that on Monday I could barely get out of bed for the pains in my stomach, I spent the entire day in bed - with Molly I may add - with a hot water bottle pressed against my stomach. I think the worst part of days like that is that any energy I had to begin with which is usually very little is completely drained from me and it just makes me feel lethargic, bloated and ill in general. 

It has taken me a couple of days to get back to a state where I feel relatively normal again. I say normal but i'm nowhere near normal - not for a 23 year old anyway. I feel better than I did and that's why I wanted to write an update for you.


How has Molly Dolly been you ask? Well she has been great. With me everyday, she was one of the things that helped me get better. Snoozy, snuggles with this girl are the best thing when you don't feel well at all. 

She had a small ear infection a few weeks back but we were able to clear that up within a week as she is such an angel and let us put the medicine in without any problems. She is right as rain now and her hearing is even better than it was. She is still full of energy, which I am still struggling to expel everyday but we try and that's all that matters.

Overall she is as beautiful as ever and I lover her more and more everyday. How that is possible I really don't know but it is the truth.

A New Friend?

About eight weeks ago my parents rescued a new fur baby who now goes by the name of Bentley. He is a black and white border collie, who is a year old and very small for his age. The only way to describe him is a love bug. He needs lots of training but he just wants to please. Bentley loves to give you cuddles and even puts his paws on your shoulders as if he was giving you a hug.

Since we rescued him he has learnt some basic commands such as sit, paw and come. I'm so proud of him as when we got him he had never really been given any attention and had never been inside from what we can tell. Learning three commands within eight weeks is definitely an achievement all round.

He is very timid and still runs at lots of noises but he is getting there slowly. We are teaching him that there is nothing to be scared of, he is with his forever family and nothing is going to cause him any harm now.

And Finally....

So there we have it a small update about a few things that have been going on, my life isn't very exciting these days due to not being able to do very much with my health but I am keeping the faith that I will be moving on to bigger and better things soon - with my beautiful Molly by my side of course!

I like being able to ramble my thoughts out like this so I feel that posts of this style may become a regular thing. 

Your health is your wealth!